News Articles about Everyday Life

News stories about human life, archaeology, anthropology, palaeoanthropology, philosophy and history of science...

29 April 2012

The timings of supernova explosions close to Earth marry up with epochs in the planet's history when the diversity...

01 March 2012

Throughout history, a "gentleman" was something the lower classes deferred to and aspired to be. But now new...

01 March 2012

Otzi, the Tyrolean iceman frozen in a glacier for 5300 years until his 1991 discovery, was brown-eyed, prone to heart...

11 December 2011

Bedding 77,000 years old has been uncovered at a cave site in South Africa....

25 November 2011

The world's oldest tackle, together with evidence of deep-sea fishing 40,000 years ago, has been unearthed in East...

04 November 2011

Dr Robert Massey brings us up to date with what's been happening at the Royal Astronomical Society...

16 October 2011

Children are more likely to seek assistance in a task than chimpanzees, suggesting that a motivation to work together...

15 September 2011

Getting hitched and having children causes mens' testosterone levels to drop, painting a very different...

15 September 2011

Humans have evolved to develop an over-inflated sense of our own abilities, scientists have discovered. This bullish...

14 September 2011

The UK is a world-leader in applying geological knowledge to investigate crime. Using the strong UK base as a starting...

02 September 2011

男人通常在空间意识比women. But is this gender difference a result of nature or nurture...

26 August 2011

Whilst haute cuisine would appear to be a modern human trait, new research suggests that the art of cooking could well...

25 August 2011

Research suggests that early hominids of the species Homo erectus, which lived between 1.8 and 1.5...

04 August 2011

Humans descend from a line of sun-lovers, researchers have shown. A new technique can reveal the historical density of...

19 June 2011

By learning from pterosaurs we may be able to make aircrafts more manouverable.

10 June 2011

A Nature paper reveals an exciting fossil story that shows some very strange extinct marine invertebrates called...

26 May 2011

People who take part in or attend 'cultural' activities tend to have better physical and mental health...

22 May 2011

Gossip you hear about others affects whether you even see them, a new study has shown.


Imagine a group of British Army Air Corps pilots flying over the deserts of the Near East in the early years of the...


Earlier this month, a major conference was held at the Geological Society in London to discuss something that will not...

19 April 2011

Naked Archaeologist Simcha Jakobovici claims to have found candidates for some cross nails, or nails from the cross.

19 April 2011

There’s been a discovery in Central Texas that’s stirring-up the debate on the first peopling of the Americas....

19 April 2011

Paddling across the pond, this next news story talks about the famous ‘Nichoria Bone’, a large fossil of an extinct...

19 April 2011

Archaeologists working in Derbyshire have this month reported the discovery of a mass grave on an Iron Age hill fort....