Tech News Stories

News articles about technology, robotics, artificial intelligence, computing, communications, sensors and gadgets...

11 April 2010

One of the hottest areas of materials science is the development of composite materials that combine the useful...

28 March 2010

A way of learning from snail shells to make stronger tougher materials

28 March 2010

A new way of delsalinating and cleaning water has been developed electrically rather than using hight pressure or...

21 March 2010

Scientists have found a new way to track down criminals - using the unique collections of bacteria they leave behind on...

21 March 2010

Scientists have found a way to use mosquitoes as mobile vaccinating machines!

21 February 2010

Researchers in Australia have managed to use cotton thread and sewing needles to stitch together a “lab-on-a-chip” –...

13 December 2009

New computer software can read a book's literary fingerprint that is unique to the author who wrote it...

15 November 2009

Don't judge a book by its cover - judge it by the smell instead!

14 August 2009

Human ancestors used fire to improve stone tools as much as 164,000 years ago...