Interviews about Chemistry

Interviews about states of matter, gases, fuels, green chemistry, chemical reactions and nanotechnology...

09 August 2009

And now for the first chapter in a new series we're introducing on the show over the summer called Chemistry in...

27 July 2009

This week in science history saw, in 1968, the death of Otto Hahn, the German chemist who co-discovered nuclear fission...

13 July 2009

This week in science history saw, in 1867, Alfred Nobel first demonstrate dynamite in the UK, at Merstham Quarry in...

28 June 2009

Now, electric cars are not the only option we have for sustainable personal transport. Already, there are a number of...

14 June 2009

And also this week scientists have come up with a reason for you to tear up that periodic table which is on the wall of...

24 May 2009


11 May 2009

This week in science history saw, in 1852, the publication of a paper by Edward Frankland describing the valence theory...

03 May 2009

Formula 1's a fast paced world where cars can race at up to 220 mph in certain conditions but for these cars to...

26 April 2009

Ben Valsler met up with Jo Dicks, Principal Scientific Officer for Cambridge Council, to find out how urban air quality...

26 April 2009

What happens on the sea shore can impact on the atmosphere across the country, as Stephen Ashworth explained to Chris...

19 April 2009

On the 19th April 1943, Dr Albert Hoffman tested a substance he had derived from Ergot, and discovered it's strong...

15 March 2009

A new surface material could heal it's own scratches simply by being left in the sun! Professor Marek Urban...

25 January 2009

有机框架或财政部,是一种很有前途的species of molecules which have enormous internal surface areas....

25 January 2009

A car which silently repairs scratched paintwork, chipped windscreens or engine faults sounds fantastic, and may not be...

25 January 2009

Window cleaners may be forced to join the unemployment line, as new technology lets the windows clean themselves...

11 January 2009

Next time you have a headache, don't take an aspirin - make your own! It seems that humans can manufacture their...

11 January 2009

How is indoor snow made? For places like the Milton Keynes SNO!Zone, real snow is essential to the experience - but do...

21 December 2008

Does champagne go straight to your head? What is it about the bubbles that makes you get more drunk, more quickly?...

30 November 2008

In a box hidden in a corner of the lab belonging to the late Stanley Miller was an experiment which could explain the...

31 August 2008

Chris talks to Karen Kidd from the University of New Brunswick in Canada about a study that investigated the...

31 August 2008

David Karl from the University of Hawaii talks to Meera about the problems we face as climate change threatens ocean...

17 August 2008

Carl Djerassi was one of the team behind the contraceptive pill developed in 1951, but now, he's critically...

10 August 2008

Planets come in many shapes and sizes, but how do they form? Chris met Micheal Meyer at the AAAS conference in Boston...

03 August 2008

Enzymes are the "amazing chemical machines" that make reactions happen billions of times faster than they...