Does dyeing your hair make it turn white faster?

25 April 2010


My grandmother warned my mother that dying your hair makes it turn white faster. My mom doesn't dye her hair and at 63 she only has a few white hairs. Her three sisters are all younger and dye their hair and they are all graying faster than her. Is this true or just an old wives tale?

I haven't missed a show in three years. Very excited for your response.



Philadelphia, USA


Kat - No, I think that this isn't true because hair dye works on your hair which is kind of dead. The bit that produces the colour of your hair is the pigment, the melanin pigment that's in the hair follicle and this isn't affected by hair dye. I think probably if you're dyeing your hair, you might notice that you're going grey, the white hairs coming through more or maybe when you stop dyeing it, suddenly you're like, "Crikey! I'm really grey." But I don't think that dying your hair is actually going to affect your hair follicles. So no, I don't think it makes you go white faster.


Despite what is said about hair dye not causing hair to go white faster.. I totally disagree.. believe me it does!! And not only that, it causes hair to go dry and stay natural. Nourish your hair don’t kill it..

Hair dye uses hydrogen peroxide in the developer. Essentially, it is bleaching the existing color to set the new. Otherwise, the colors would blend erratically. Repeated use of hair dye with H2O2 will oxidize the folical, resulting in colorless (white) hair.

i had a small spot in my beard that was white so i started coloring my beard,,, now after 1 year by whole beard is white where as hair growing on my head is not white

Im 14 Boy I want to dye my hair does it make my hair white after washing the colour

I want to dye my hair
Does it turn my hair white


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