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The term ADD/ADHD was made up by psychiatrists to drum up business.
It only means that the child didn't understand the material he was learning.

I tutored such students. The first thing I did with each was to ask them to show me at what point in his/her schoolwork did they get in trouble. I then went back a little before that point and asked the student to read the material out loud.
Whenever the student stumbled over a word or paused to figure out how to read it, we looked up the meaning of that word in the good dictionary. I then asked the student to demo the meaning of the word out with objects on the table,
After I was satisfied that he got the meaning of that word I asked him to use it in a couple of sentences.
After the student did it correctly he re-read the material out loud. If he read it without pause or hesitation I knew he really got it, and we moved on.
And miracle of miracles: no more ADD-ADHD! :-)