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I have a Dodge ram 5.2 mag it's a half ton and driving at 35 in 60mph wind she was not moving fast. the wind slowed me down I had to pull over what I what To know is my truck sitting still in my driveway will the 65mph or higher winds now move my truck any by morning? she is empty in the bed has nothing in it. she's only got some parts in the back seat and half tank of gas and a light mag motor. oh dear she isn't gonna scoot away is she? the guy told me when I bought her that 80 to 100 would move her Easley cause she is a half tone and so light. but it's a 95 Dodge 25yo and pure metal body frame..not fiber glass, I'd assume the metal body would weigh her down to ya know. but this high wind is maken my house breath and the windows shake little and my tin roof sing. it sounds bad the rain with it off and on. is my truck gonna he ok? do I need to move her along side my trailer to break the wind hitting her???