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The Right Stuff was ok, if you can put up with over-dramatised American sensationalism. Also there were factual inaccuracies in that series, the worst one I thought was when they showed Yuri Gagarin's Vostok rocket launch into space at what was then called "Tyuratam" by the Soviets (now called Baikonur) and the caption read "Star City, Russia". For starters the launch site was in the Kazakh SSR, not the Russian SFSR, where the Star City training centre is located. The Right Stuff was ok for bemusement, but it was archetypal American hype. The Apollo 13 movie was far better, with only a few over-dramatised parts, it is one of the only Hollywood films that is as close to reality as could be. Compare that with "Lord of War" which is purely apocryphal, but, unfortunately, most people thinks represents mostly facts.