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Mmm The question Conrad and Kyle tried to answer in the 1970’s.
Amongst other things the research showing that Deaf people use the Auditory Cortex for Language processing and many have up to 200% more Peripheral Vision than average hearing person says lots...... but not how they think nor where it is processed and stored.
Lots to find out really.
Many thoughts are beyond words, beyond language as it is classically understood.( visual, sensory, gestural, audible etc)
What Deaf Sign Languages do now that we can record and document it is........ Hopefully
....... Question afresh what a language is and how thoughts are made, used and stored etc.
Before research into Sign Languages using early Film most languages were weighed and measured in terms of written prose really . Long way to go.
I used Kelly’s Construct Theory (Rep Grid) to try and answer your question. I used a Visualised rating system and found that when Kelly’s ideas were applied ....they worked with Deaf adults and children. The work was not published and the University lent my research to someone who......never returned it. 30years ago.
I worked with the Deaf for 37years.