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Physics studies our experience of the universe. The problem is that the universe is not made of experience. It is made of stuff, substance. So, physics doesn’t have a clue about what makes up the universe. This universe is evolving spontaneously which means it has a built-in cause. This too is unknown, or at least unrecognized.
So, is there any surprise that dark matter and dark energy remain unknown? Really? What is the answer? Gravity is the perfect answer. Gravity is caused by time flowing at a different rate from place to place. The substance is this dynamic process we call time. The cause is a difference in the rate of evolution of this process.
Realizing what the substance and cause that makes the universe happen and evolve by itself will help physics understand what it knows only empirically. And, instead of making advances in new smartphones, it could actually create the technologies we need to save this planet, along with those smartphone users.

Please, gently wake-up Colin,