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NuScale's CEO responded immediately with a letter to the PNAS Editor-in-Chief, pointing out a fundamental error in this research article:

"...I respectfully write this letter to inform you of a factual error in the paper..........Because PNAS is widely recognized as an authoritative source of high-impact original research, publications in PNAS are widely read and frequently cited. As such, errors in PNAS papers require prompt correction..."

"...SMRs will produce 30 times more nuclear waste than existing larger station designs..." This statement is palpable nonsense to those of us in the pro-nuclear community seeking to promote advanced SMRs as the safest, most cost-effective solution to reaching net-zero with microscopic environmental impact.

Ridiculous hyperbole of this nature must have roots in an anti-nuclear 'body' with deep pockets, capable of paying the wages and bills to fund such pathetic nonsense.