
Cambridge based company aim to develop a completely sustainable highway in West Georgia
27 August 2015
Presented byAmy Goodfellow.


Totally sustainable highway by Innovia Tech. for the Mission Zero Corridor Project.


This month, CambridgeÃ?, based company Innovia Technology have taken charge of the "Mission Zero Corridor Project". This project aims to make a 12 mile stretch of highway in West Georgia completely sustainable, with no carbon footprint! This will be the first road of its kind, and hopefully will encourage others to jump on the carbonÃ?,neutralÃ?,bandwagon. The project is inspired by Ray C Anderson, the late CEO of a carpet manufacturing company in the USA. He aimed to reduce the carbon footprint of his company to zero Ã?, a target they are on track to achieve by 2020. Andy Milton from Innovia Technology, explained to Amy Goodfellow how this is going to be done...


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