Robots in blood vessels

A flexible robot - thinner than a piece of thread - that can be controlled using a magnetic field and snake its way through blood vessels has been created by US engineers...
16 October 2019
Presented by菲尔·桑塞姆.
Production by菲尔·桑塞姆.


A flexible robot - thinner than a piece of thread - that can be controlled using a magnetic field and snake its way through blood vessels to track down and remove blockages has been developed by US scientists


You’re probably familiar with the 1966 science fiction film “Fantastic Voyage”, where a submarine crew are shrunk to microscopic size and venture into the body of an injured scientist to repair damage to his brain. They’re not quite at the stage of shrinking scientists yet, but engineers in America have invented a flexible robot - thinner than a piece of thread - that can be controlled using a magnetic field and snake its way through blood vessels to track down and remove blockages. Phil Sansom spoke to inventor Xuanhe Zhao...


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