
Alex Rhodes是我们的冷记者,回顾最新的《冰雪奇缘》手机游戏。


Alex Rhodes, Naked Gaming Podcast





你好,克里斯。亚历克斯。现在,当你告诉我,我可以玩一款与热门电影系列相关的游戏,这款游戏风靡一时,每个人都在谈论它,实际上我想,哦,我要玩《星球大战》游戏。我不是…我在玩《冰雪奇缘》我想是最近和《冰雪奇缘2》一起上映的。这也是一款手机游戏。我们来试一下。好吗?我已经把它安装在我的手机里了。 I'm actually coming to you not from my normal... usually, you know, I'm in my bedroom... this time.... I'm actually at my girlfriend's parents' house for the sort of Christmas period. They're all downstairs. I just sort of snuck upstairs to play computer games by myself. So let's give it a go boot up. Here we are, from what I can tell you, Disney logo is loading up. It looks a bit like a kind of Bejeweled knockoff.

哦,又来了。输入你的年龄,这很尴尬。27.我觉得它应该把自己关起来,说,这不是给你的,伙计。好吧。我在看一幅很大的地图。这就是我。大量的关卡。地图上的每一种小结节都代表一个等级。我想你不会错过左上角的这个。 Uh, in big letters is "sale"... like many a mobile game... I imagine this will makes all its money... It was free to install... so I imagine it makes all its money from micro transactions. So our target is 7,500 points. I've got 20 moves.

好了。这是一个很好的例子。如果你喜欢《宝石迷阵》,你可能也会喜欢这款游戏,因为它吸引了你对明亮色彩和闪闪发光的东西的渴望。我想《冰雪奇缘2》里的一个角色现在正带着死气沉沉的表情盯着我。在我的屏幕上方,我们有四个空闲的。发生什么事情了?神奇的。我似乎已经做到了。我没有按下任何东西。目标是7500。 I got 40,000. Oh there's Olaf the little snowman guy again, popping in with a sort of dead expression. From what I can tell, nobody talks in this game. You think the whole advantage of being in the officially licensed game is that you have voice actors. This doesn't even sound like the Frozen music. It just like kind of knock off muzak. Okay. What's this? All right. Okay. This is all like a special gem. You combine it with any ice crystals to break all that. Okay. So yeah, this is something from Bejewelled that's time one of the special tiles. It's just doing it again. It's just like playing the game. I'm not impressed at anything and I'm getting thousands of points here. Target was 10,000 for this level. I've got 41,000 and I barely did anything...

