



鲍勃-这些问答节目总是让我们惊叹于克里斯博士令人难以置信的原始智慧。事实上,我们有点嫉妒。但本周我们有一些让我们感觉好一点的故事。事实证明,拥有高智商并不总是像人们吹嘘的那样。首先,切尔西来告诉我们为什么这在正规教育中是正确的。阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦切尔西——孩子们需要的不仅仅是高智商才能在学校取得好成绩。事实上,孩子们调节自己的思维和行为的能力可能更重要——尤其是当他们还小的时候。这是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的发展心理学家克兰西·布莱尔(Clancy Blair)对美国国家学前教育项目“启智”(Head Start)的学生进行的研究。他发现,最能控制自己冲动、注意力和情绪的孩子在学业测试中表现更好,尤其是在数学方面。他说,与天生的智力不同,孩子们可以通过练习和帮助来提高这方面的能力。克兰西·布莱尔(宾夕法尼亚州立大学):你知道,我会对父母说:你想让你的孩子在学校表现好吗?不要太担心智商。认真考虑你的孩子在课堂上被良好管理的能力。切尔西-他说,这表明如果学校想让孩子们学习事实,他们需要先教这些不那么有形的能力。谢谢你,切尔西。一项新的研究表明,聪明可能会让你赚得更多,但并不能让你变得富有。 Author and economist Jay Zagorsky is at Ohio State University. Looking at decades of data on over seven thousand Americans, he found that generally, the higher your IQ, the bigger your paycheck. But there was no relationship between IQ and total wealth: in other words, your savings and assets minus your debts.Jay Zagorsky (The Ohio State University): One possible reason is that people say 'oh, I'm earning higher income; there's no reason for me to save right now. I can always earn higher income than say, other people. So whenever I need money, I can just earn it.Bob - Strangely, he also found that people with just slightly above average intelligence were the least likely to have financial problems, like bankruptcies, overdue bills, and maxed out credit cards - while both the dullest and the brightest got into more trouble. Chelsea - Thanks, Bob. Well, we hope that put you in your place, Naked Scientists. Next time, we'll summon up all our mental powers to tell you about your skin's natural defenses against infections and how bacteria in your stomach could help prevent asthma. Until then, I'm Chelsea Wald...Bob - ...and I'm Bob Hirshon, for AAAS, The Science Society. Back to you, Naked Scientists...

