Answers to Biology Questions

Biology, genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...

13 January 2008

I’ve always wondered, when lightning hits water does it go with a splash? I’ve asked several of my professors and none...

13 January 2008

What should the colour of a healthy person’s urine be and what is the optimum colour?

06 January 2008

I’m a high school teacher and music teacher in Brisbane, Australia. I really enjoy listening to the podcast version of...

06 January 2008

Why is it that headphone wires, even when put away neatly, always end up in a tangle - worse even than you could do on...

09 December 2007

We've had a bit of an epidemic here around Boston these last two months, and I've been getting into some...

02 December 2007

Can injured nerves regrow?