Earth Science News Stories

News about about geology, palaeontology, archaeology, climate and climate change, and the weather...

02 December 2007

Strains of drought-resistant GM plants to preserve crop yields and combat the effects of climate change have been...

14 October 2007

Researchers in America's Grand Teton National Park have found that moose have learned to use roads to shield their...

07 October 2007

Scientists have resorted to an unusual source of evidence to trace the history of volcanic eruptions on Earth and their...

23 September 2007

Why air pollution is linked with an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes...

23 September 2007

Scientists in Japan have discovered that thunderstorms act as massive particle accelerators, producing bursts of gamma...

23 September 2007

Researchers in Tbilisi, Georgia, have uncovered the oldest human remains ever found outside of Africa...

09 September 2007

The origins of the meteorite that helped to bring about the demise of the dinosaurs has been discovered...