Tech News Stories

News articles about technology, robotics, artificial intelligence, computing, communications, sensors and gadgets...

20 December 2018

Growing bio-inspired shapes with hundreds of tiny robots.

07 December 2018

‘Nano-tweezers’ create electric fields capable of trapping single molecules and extracting them from living cells.

04 December 2018

A soft robot has been given a ‘nervous system’ so it can sense when you touch it.

27 September 2018

How much sun is too much? Scientists have made a wristband sensor that will tell us just that...

07 September 2018

The sun is a free and plentiful energy source which could be used to produce clean fuel. New research moves us closer...

31 August 2018

Can the use of improved satellite navigation devices actually make driving safer?


A hearing aid system that uses light to send sound signals into the nervous system has been developed by researchers in...

13 July 2018

一组科学家正在使用虚拟现实technology to treat fear of heights…

21 June 2018

For the first time ever, a robot has been used to perform surgery on the human eye

21 March 2018

Driverless cars used to be something that only appeared in science fiction, but they’re swiftly becoming a reality....

23 November 2017

New hair-thin brain probe could revolutionise how we record brain activity

16 November 2017

Every step you take, every click you make, someone's watching you...

21 September 2017

By combining car sharing apps with a smartphone’s ability to measure movement and vibration, researchers are hoping to...

20 September 2017

When you hear the word robots, you probably think of giant metal creatures moving awkwardly around the room — or...

25 August 2017

Our hairy insides protect us from the full force of fluids racing through our bodies and may inspire future robotic...

20 July 2017

Modern-day chemical engineers have built better batteries equipped with molecular pulleys...

29 June 2017

A new technique to see inside tissues in three dimensions, so doctors can make better and much faster diagnoses during...

26 April 2017

Cells controlled remotely by a smartphone app can release insulin into the bloodstream to regulate glucose levels in...

03 March 2017

Researchers have found that the brain activity in someone listening to a story bears similarity to the person telling...

03 March 2017

The world is generating data at a rate that is rising exponentially. In fact, the human population has produced more...