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Interesting show, I had the same experience as the nurse with her nose.

My husband was diagnosed with SCA3 18 years ago. Two things I noticed before his diagnosis. His body odour changed first. Her description is very accurate as to what I smelled as well. Second was how his fingers would splay out when he reached for something. He was always proud of his hands which he said were strong like his dads.

I have also had an alteration in my own sense of smell. I have been diagnosed with celiac disease and mast cell activation Syndrome. Since I took out the gluten I have become supremely scent sensitive! Anything that I was exposed to routinely became unbearable with accompanying physical symptoms. This has settled somewhat over the past 10 years, but continues to be a huge restriction for me in any social setting. Ask your scientists what they know about this type of response. I’d sure like my life back.

Thanks for the great shows. Always interesting.
Christine Muise