Q&A: Knuth, curry and kettles

有多少of the universe is empty space...
08 August 2023
Presented byChris Smith.
Production byJames Tytko.


An artist's impression of a supermassive black hole


Another month, another brilliant panel, another romp through your mind bending questions. Physicists Tony Padilla and Toby Wiseman, archaeologist Emma Pomeroy and educator Andrew Morris help Chris Smith explain whether electricity in our bodies is the same as in our houses, how we can detect the collision of 2 black holes from here on Earth, and why Graham's number doesn't bear thinking about too deeply...

In this episode

microphones on a stage

00:51 - This month's panel: from zero to hero

Joining us for our romp through all things science and technology this time...

This month's panel: from zero to hero

Chris - Let me introduce you to the panel of people who are going to answer your questions this week. Tony Padilla is a theoretical physicist. He's a cosmologist at the University of Nottingham, and also a very popular science and maths communicator. He's made many appearances on the Numberphile YouTube channel, and he's also written a book recently, it's called 'Fantastic Numbers and Where to Find Them.' Why are some numbers, in your view, at least, a bit more fantastic than others, Tony?

Tony - I just love those numbers that are sort of wild and crazy and really make you think about the most fantastic physics that's out there. The physics of black holes and the early universe and all that sort of stuff. That's what numbers do for me. They make me think about magnificent physics.

Chris - Have you always been good at maths?

Tony - I've always liked maths. One of the stories I tell in my book is that when I first went to uni, I actually got zero in one of my first assignments. But this was because the tutor really wanted me to use a certain amount of pedantry that I wasn't comfortable with. All my arguments were right, he just didn't like how I'd laid it out on the piece of paper.

Chris - Were you studying maths at university?

Tony - I was studying maths. I think at that point I realised that I needed something else from my numbers which was physics, basically.

Chris - Michael Crichton, who wrote Jurassic Park, went to Harvard and was studying English to start with, and he became a bit disillusioned with the way that he said his tutors were teaching him. And he started submitting the work of some of the great masters of English. His autobiography said, when Blake scored a C at Harvard, he knew English was not for me. And he retrained in medicine and look what happened. He turned into an amazing producer of films and books and so on. So maybe you're following in Michael Creighton's footsteps.

Tony - I still love numbers though, Chris. I haven't turned to the other side completely, yet.

克里斯——也就是艾玛城堡内,是古生菌。是谁的ologist. She's at the University of Cambridge. You've joined us before, Emma, telling us all about your work with Neanderthals and our early ancestors. They keep on proving themselves to be more and more like us the more we learn about them, don't they?

Emma - They do. And it's one of these things where the more we delve, the more we realise that perhaps, humans, that we've built up to be this special, unique animal, perhaps we aren't that unique. And many of our close relatives, perhaps unsurprisingly, were capable of some of the things that we do and thought were unique to us.

Chris - People always say that it's good to be married to an archaeologist because they get more interesting the older they get. When you studied, did you have a sort of Tony moment? As in, get 0 on a paper which made you think in a certain way? Did you always decide, 'Right, I'm going to go and do palaeontology?'

Emma - Actually, I didn't really know. I've ended up as a biological anthropologist. I'm within an archaeology department, but I specialise in the study of human remains and the evolution of humans. I didn't know that was a thing before I went to university. I knew about archaeology. I'd grown up near Canterbury where there's archaeology all around, mediaeval city walls. And that really fired my imagination about learning about the past. And then I came to Cambridge as an undergrad quite a long time ago and discovered this field of biological anthropology and how humans evolved. It really just blew my mind as to how exciting that whole journey had been over the last 7 million years. And so here I am.

Chris - Thanks Emma. Andrew Morris is a retired science teacher. He's also an author. He is a big believer in continuing education and runs science discussion groups and things like that. Is the idea to get people interested in science no matter what their background is?

Andrew - It started as a bit of an experiment of my own, in fact, because I'd been teaching conventional physics and maths at A level in sixth form colleges. And I got more and more disillusioned with how restrictive the science is in an A level syllabus and how far it is from what it's actually like being a scientist. So I formed the view that people switch off science at school, not really because they are unscientific or anti-scientific. I believe people remain quite curious about the world, so I started a course for people, I marketed it for people who had no science background, but who nevertheless had questions and wanted to ask about the world. It might be the natural world or the physical world. And it went really well. And it just started from their questions.

Chris - Who are they?

Andrew - It's very attractive to women, who of course tend to be more excluded from science.

Chris - Thanks Andrew. Toby Wiseman is also here. He's a theoretical physicist at Imperial College. We recently asked Toby to speculate on the types of technologies that potential alien visitors might need if they were going to come and pay us a visit. That isn't actually what you do though, is it? What do you do at Imperial College?

Toby - I work mainly on Einstein's theory of gravity in different contexts - so a lot about black holes, a bit of cosmology, bit of string theory sometimes.

Chris - And was that borne out of some kind of childhood trauma or a 0 in an exam? Or was that because you always had a particular leaning towards physics?

Toby - There was no defining moment. I had a grandfather who was an engineer and taught me about designing things when I was very young and I was fascinated by how things worked. And so for a long time I wanted to be an engineer, but I think over time I really just enjoyed physics and loved it. It's the same wanting to know why things are the way they are - I fell into it in that way.

Lottery balls


Chris Smith put the question to the University of Nottingham's Tony Padilla...

Tony - I know the story. You have to buy 27 tickets and if you buy 27 tickets, you will win. You won't necessarily win the jackpot, but you'll win something, maybe just the lowest prize that you can get which is if you get two numbers. What was really impressive in what they did was that they actually were able to show that if you buy 26 tickets, you're not guaranteed. Proving that 27 is enough was actually the easy part.

Chris - If I bought one hundred percent of the tickets, I have to win, don't I?

Tony - So I think there's something like, I can't remember the exact number, 45 million, 47 million combinations or something. So if you bought a ticket with every single combination in, you're obviously going to win, right? That's guaranteed.

Chris - But the jackpot isn't a hundred percent return, so therefore you still lose money?

Tony - Yes. But you can bring that number down to 27, and actually they showed it using some really funky finite geometry, some really cool maths. And they were able to show that there were 27 combinations of numbers which will always have at least two of the numbers that appear on Saturday's draw.

Chris - Are they specific? Have you got to choose a certain sequence of numbers?

托尼——不仅仅是一组,你必须choose. You don't have to put the same 27 as me. We just have to arrange them in a certain way. The way they actually were able to show this, they were able to package your choice of numbers into a bunch of clever diagrams. And there were five of these diagrams and actually there's six numbers on the lottery ticket. So it was always guaranteed that you couldn't have all the numbers appearing in all the different diagrams, there always had to be one diagram which had two of the numbers. And that was the key to winning. But the hard part was proving that 26 was not enough. Actually the calculation for proving that 26 was not enough in principle should have 10 to the 165 steps, which is one with 165 zeros after it, which is clearly just completely impractical. There's just not enough time in the universe for that calculation. But they used some really clever software called prologue, which was able to help them with their calculation.

Chris - And when it comes down to making a profit or not, have they done any modelling to see what would happen if you did this every week at the end of a year of playing the game? But you won't necessarily win your money back each time because it's going to cost you x amount of pounds to enter.

Tony - It costs you 54 quid to buy the 27 tickets.

Chris - It's two pounds a time. Have they modelled that? How long would you have to play the lottery so that you've got a chance you're actually going to be at least cost neutral?

Tony - That's not discussed in the paper.

Chris - That's the key question, isn't it? I mean, what's the point of doing the research?

Tony - I was telling my wife about this yesterday and she was like, "well, prove it then." I was like, "what do you mean prove it? They proved it! We're going to lose. We might win, but we'll ultimately lose because it's going to cost us 54 pounds. We're very unlikely to win more than 54 pounds.

Wind Sock

Why aren't my parakeets blown from their perch?

Toby - There's a short answer and a long answer. The short answer is that they are clinging on. They cling on with their feet, which are like claws. So they grab onto their perch and by doing that they stay. But I think it's a very interesting question because I think we balance in quite a different way to the way they balance. So when we balance, we have to use our weight because our feet press down on the ground and the ground presses up on our feet. The way we balance is we move our centre of gravity, where the force of gravity acts on us, to counteract any forces on us. So if the wind blows, we brace ourselves by moving into the direction of the wind. And what we're doing is we're moving our weight out over our feet to create a counter rotation to the one that the wind is imposing on us.

Birds are very light, so they have very little weight. And so they can't do that. And presumably that's why they've evolved feet that can grip onto things. So they can exert forces by pushing and pulling, which we can't, whether you are large or small, if the wind is strong enough, it will blow you over. So, when you jump out of a plane, if you're not wearing a parachute, or rather if you're wearing a parachute and you choose not to open it for a while, you'll reach terminal velocity, which is a bit over a hundred miles an hour. And that's when the wind force on you balances your weight. Because we use our weight to balance against things like the wind, once the wind gets up to a hundred miles an hour or so, we can't use our weight effectively. And if we're not grabbing onto something, we will get blown down.

A cave.

13:23 - Who were Homo naledi?

Does this group of hominids change our perception on human intelligence?

Who were Homo naledi?

Emma - Homo naledi is really, really interesting. They're a species of human ancestor that dates to about 235 to 335 thousand years ago. So they come from one site only, called Rising Star Cave in South Africa. And they're really remarkable because actually by this point in evolution, so 300,000 years ago, we're seeing the origins of our own species Homo sapiens, most of our evolutionary relatives that are close to us already have quite large brains. They're quite tall, and yet naledi has a small brain, not much bigger than a chimpanzee, quite small in terms of their stature, averaging under five foot. And yet there's this remarkable site at Rising Star Cave where up to 15 individuals or more have all been found deep in this really hard to access cave, and it's the only site we know them from. So this is really, really fascinating. What it does is really challenges some of our assumptions about the evolution of things like complex behaviour, so making tools, burying the dead, things like this. And the papers that have come out a couple of months ago now, there's three that have been published together and they're presenting some really quite controversial new evidence from the site. The authors are claiming that naledi was intentionally burying their dead. That they're making tools and even one of these burials, the individual has a stone tool clasped in their hand and that they're also making art. So making engravings on the wall of the cave deep down in this really inaccessible place. And it's generated a lot of discussion. I mean, those suggestions that a species with such a small brain would be capable of things that we've assumed that you need a really big brain for, is quite controversial. But the study's also quite controversial because the level of evidence that's being presented to support these big claims is not as robust in the minds of many in the scientific community as perhaps it ought to be. And so this is also kind of frustrating, I think, in terms of the presentation of science, particularly in popular formats. And there's even a Netflix documentary that's just come out about this site and there's very big claims being made, but unfortunately not big evidence at this stage.

Chris - Well, we'll watch this space. Thanks for that Emma.

Artists impression of a black hole in space

16:00 - Did colliding black holes cause gravity waves?

What do these ripples in space time mean for us?

Did colliding black holes cause gravity waves?

Toby - Sure, absolutely. So gravitational waves are ripples in space time that get formed when very massive objects move in, for us, an incredibly dramatic way. So they were first observed in 2015 from a pair of black holes, a billion light years away. So a billion years ago, these very massive black holes, which were many times the mass of the sun, collided with each other and set off these ripples. They travel for a billion years and then they stretch space and time as they pass. So on Earth, this very amazing experiment called LIGO in America measured this distortion in space and time as the wave rippled past. And that was the first time these things have been seen. So since then, we've seen quite a lot of similar mergers. So we now have the technology to see that. But this new discovery in June was a completely different class of black holes producing quite different ripples. So these are super massive black holes. Super massive black holes live at the centres of galaxies, and they're sort of amazingly millions or even billions of times the mass of the sun. When galaxies merge, these super massive black holes also come into orbit around each other because each galaxy will have one at its centre. They'll start orbiting and they produce a signal. And it's that, that's been measured really amazingly in June.

Chris - Andrew?

Andrew - One of the things I think's really interesting about this LIGO experiment, you described these distortions in space and time, is to quantify how big that distortion is. Because I think I read that the LIGO experiment is the most extremely small disturbance, detectable over a very large distance. Yes.

Chris - How big is it?

Toby - So for the first event discovered it was unbelievably tiny. So what it does is it stretches. So you should think of a fractional change, a percentage change in length, and the percentage change in length I think is about a billionth of a billionth of a percent. So it's absolutely tiny, I mean, it's unbelievable that we can measure, I mean I can't measure them. These brilliant experimental physicists have developed the technology to measure it's taken decades.

Chris - Tony, why is it important that we can even do this? What are gravitational waves, why did they win a Nobel Prize for Kip Thorne and others and effectively validate what Einstein was saying? Why is this useful? What sort of new vista does it open in the universe for us?

Tony - Well, it really is a new window on the universe. I mean, previously, we've looked at the universe, we've looked at the light that we see from distant stars and distant galaxies, and we can read off the behaviour of the universe from that. But now we can essentially hear the universe as well because these gravitational waves, they're travelling long distances and they're feeling the size and shape of space and time itself. So they're really a new window or we can now hear what space and time is doing.

Chris - How do we know where they've come from though? Because if they're tiny and they're travelling just uninterrupted across the universe, when we detect them, how do we know which way they've come from?

Tony - We see the light as well, or in this case gamma ray. So very high frequency light that we can't actually see, but we can detect.

Chris - So you see a light source and you also see some gravitational waves issuing from the same part of space. And you say, well, they're probably connected?

托尼-所以这些事件不仅可以引起black holes, but also by neutron stars. And in the case of neutron stars, we will see those light signals as well. So we can detect those.

Chris - But what about his super massive black holes? How do we see that happening then?

Tony - That is very much a sort of rumbling background. So it's not so directional. It's a rumbling background. So what we use are these special objects that are out there called pulsars. These are stars which in a way they pulsate with a very regular time interval.

Chris - These are Jocelyn Bell Burnell's little green men. But they were what we thought were aliens and turned out to be stars sending out absolutely regular pulses of information.

Tony - Exactly, and those pulses, they're so regular that we can really use them to see how sort of time is changing due to the space, the distance.

Chris - So they’re like metronomes in space. And as space wobbles with the waves coming through, you can see that wobble goes off kilter and that tells you that a gravitational wave has distorted space time in that sort of neighbourhood.

Tony - You're expecting the pulse to come at one particular time, and then there's a slight time change then you can sort of detect that, and that's what you're looking for. But the really interesting thing I think about this event, this new measurement, all the talk has been that it does come from these super massive black holes, but this is where you can really start to test different physics because it might not be from super massive black holes. It might be from some really funky stuff in the early universe, right? So for example, there can be things called phase transistors, which is where almost the properties of matter change in the early universe. And you get these bubbles of new phases forming. You can even get signals of exotic theories like string theory that are sort of imprinted on this signal. And this signal allows us to probe that, that's why it's so exciting.

Chris - How are you going to get to the bottom of that one Toby?

Toby - Through time . So these measurements, they've actually been measuring these pulsars, which are unbelievable objects. So they're rotating typically hundreds of times a second. And they're neutron stars. So they're the mass of the sun giving out these pulses, but they're accurate like atomic clocks. So when you look at them over years, they hold their regularity of their pulses as well as atomic clocks. And that's what's allowed them to see these tiny distortions. And as they measure for longer and longer, they see it more accurately.

A classroom.

21:56 - How will AI affect teaching in schools?

Are we set for a generation of 'lazy learners'?

How will AI affect teaching in schools?

Andrew - Yeah. My reaction to that is that there are real risks in some areas of education, particularly if you focus on plagiarism and things like essay writing and marking and assessment. On the other hand, a lot of teachers are now getting quite interested in the possibilities of AI for improving the teaching materials that they use. There's all sorts of interesting graphical methods that represent geometry in maths, for instance, so there's a great opportunity for enhancing the materials teachers use. And there are risks, but my feeling is that it really goes to the heart of what we mean by education, the benefits of education, which in particular learning for many people. Learning is an accumulation of factual knowledge. And this can take people a long way. It can take them through exams. I even heard a story today about somebody who got three A's, without really necessarily understanding what they were doing, but just accumulating the necessary minimal knowledge based on things like past examination papers and so on to get through exams. Whereas of course, what we really want to achieve through learning is understanding. We want people to understand so that they can apply in novel, unpredictable situations, material that they've learned, not just memorising facts. So of course, the kind of AI software we're talking about now is based entirely on previously written or previously drafted or music that already exists. It doesn't have creativity, it doesn't have originality, it doesn't have emotion, it doesn't, et cetera.

Chris - What Catherine's saying though is are we effectively robbing the opportunity to have those skills from school children? It sounds to me like you are saying, well, as the machine doesn't have that, it can't replace that in people. But might it make people lazy learners as in, because they don't have to go through the process of learning to get that information into their mind so they understand it and can, and can see it from multiple viewpoints, which is what really understanding a topic is because you don't have to go through that to regurgitate a something that looks like a cogent answer, therefore it could undermine your understanding, your ability to really engage with the subject.

Andrew - I agree there is that risk, but my hope would be that it reorients us more towards people learning to understand. So for instance, when I used to teach, it wasn't just a matter of marking and getting percentages and preparing them to succeed in exam questions that can be almost predicted. But it was a matter of sitting around in group discussions and probing people's understanding of whether they could apply a material that they'd learned to a new situation. In other words, understanding rather than just memory and knowledge.


26:22 - Climate Quiz

Testing our panelists' planetary knowledge...

Climate Quiz

Molecules of hydrogen

36:06 - How fast do air molecules travel?

The rate at which atoms in the air are bumping into each other...

How fast do air molecules travel?

Toby - It is certainly true. They're buzzing around very fast in the air. They're buzzing around at about a thousand miles an hour or so, which is not that strange because of course when we think about the speed of sound through air, sound waves travel through air by the little molecules collectively getting together and propagating pressure waves through the air. So the speed of sound is quite closely related to the speed of the molecules.

Chris - And why are they going so fast?

Toby - They're going so fast because they're hot and they're very little. And the hotter they are, the faster they go.

Chris - Because it's not much to accelerate. They don't need much energy?

Toby - They don't need much energy. But I have to say, they don't go very fast in the same direction for very long. I think it's less than a billionth of a second before they hit someone else.

Vaping could cause popcorn lung...

37:17 - Why does smoke travel upwards?

When do the rules of gravity kick in...

Why does smoke travel upwards?

Andrew - It's interesting. Smoke is a generic term. It's a lot of hot gases and particles as well, mostly soot and tar. But of course, hot things, hot gases expand and become less dense than their surroundings. So a hot gas over a fire is sort of floating on the cooler air around it, so it will rise up.

Chris - I suppose the same could be true then of water going up in the air. So if you evaporate water from the sea and it goes up in the air as water vapour, and then it forms raindrops in clouds, it's being held aloft in clouds as water particles because there's rising warm air pushing it up from underneath. And there's enough rising warm air to do that. The smoke particles are small enough that they're going fast enough that it doesn't take much of a nudge to keep them up there. But the ball, much heavier, stays up for longer.

An atom

40:16 - How much of all stuff is empty space?

Well, it depends what you mean by nothing...

有多少of all stuff is empty space?

Tony - That statement is true. The size of an atom is about a hundred thousand times bigger than the nucleus. That's the kind of ratios that we're talking about here. I went to see Oppenheimer last night. It is amazing. There's a really nice scene in it where Oppenheimer is talking to his future wife Kitty, and he's talking about how most of what's in their hand is empty space. There's nothing there between the nucleus, the electrons that they're orbiting around, except of course the fields. We say it's nothing, but there's actually the electromagnetic field that's there. And that's why, when we perceive a solid hand or a solid table or whatever, we're really perceiving the electromagnetic field. So it's not really empty. There's a field there.

Chris - So when you press down on a surface, the reason your hand doesn't go straight through a surface, despite the fact that 99.999999% of the surface is empty space, is because my electrons around my atoms in my hand are coming close to the electrons around the atoms in the desk, and like charges repel. So the minus electrons repel the minus electrons and push back on me as hard as I'm pushing on them.

Tony - Exactly. And that's the field that you are feeling. But actually what's really interesting is we can ask about actual empty space and stuff that's got nothing in it, and ask, is there really anything there? If I go out into space and I create a vacuum, is that really empty? And actually perhaps not, because we think it has something which is called vacuum energy, which is actually the thing that's accelerating the universe. So it all comes together in one wonderful place.

a boiling kettle

Why do all kettles have a 1.7L capacity?

Chris Smith posed the question to Andrew Morris.

Andrew - I was forced to do some research on this and Googled around, and he's quite right; almost all kettles are 1.7 litres. So I made an inquiry with the Bosch research department, and basically, as your listener guessed, it's the nearest equivalent to three pints, which is apparently six standard cup fulls, which is apparently the standard size of a teapot.

Chris - A teapot is an SI measure, is it?

Andrew - So apparently the kettle fits the teapot standard. I'm afraid there's not a lot of physics in that.

Array of spices

43:59 - Where does curry come from?

First, you need to define what you mean by curry...

Where does curry come from?

Chris Smith asked University of Cambridge palaeoanthropologist Emma Pomeroy...

艾玛——是的,我也喜欢咖喱。没有想be a bit of a boring scientist and say, 'well, what do we mean by curry?' I think it's actually important to start out by asking that.

Chris - Chicken tikka jalfrezi made just a little bit hotter with the pilau rice and a peshwari naan, please.

Emma - It is actually a term that we use to refer to cuisine from many different parts of the world, including the Caribbean, India, Southeast Asia, China. And it probably comes from the 17th century, and actually the British travelling out there, to those parts of the world, and trading and seeing food that was basically a sauce with spices containing meat and vegetables and just calling it all the same thing: a curry.

Chris - They call it our national dish these days, don't they? I think it is more popular than anything else, isn't it?

Emma - Indeed. And the fact that it's so widespread across many parts of the world, it makes this a really interesting question. So where did this kind of cuisine come from? So there's evidence from this site in Vietnam that you mentioned, it's from about 2000 years ago. It comes from samples from a sandstone slab that's probably been used for grinding spices down. And what they do is they take these samples of the starch grain, tiny particles within the plant cells, and they actually differ in their shape between different plants. So a palaeobotanist can look at those under the microscope and say to you whether this is evidence of a particular plant. And they found a whole range of different spices, including things like turmeric, ginger, galangal, sand ginger, things that we associate with being in a curry. And there was evidence that they'd actually been ground because the starch particles were damaged. So they're saying that perhaps this is some of the earliest evidence of curry.

Chris - Can it also, apart from obviously being interesting in telling us about what people must have been eating, can it tell us a bit about trade and that kind of thing? Because if you know that some of the things they can see are, say, not native, they must have come from somewhere else, that must be a connection to another bit of the Earth at the same time arguing there was trade going on. So it unlocks the door to an understanding of what humans were doing, trading, et cetera, in that era.

Emma - Absolutely. And this is one of the really interesting things that came out of the same study, that a lot of these spices that they were using don't come locally. They're actually coming hundreds of kilometres away over the sea. So it's not just telling us about the history of a food that we're particularly keen on, but it is telling us about those ancient trade networks. And I think it's also interesting to think about how people flavoured their food and how they enjoyed their food in the past, because perhaps we think of it as being quite utilitarian in past populations: you just ate to keep you going. And actually evidence for flavouring foods and adding things like mustard to foods goes back far further than you might think. So we've got evidence perhaps even as early as 40,000 years ago of people adding mustard seeds into their food, presumably to give it some flavour, because they're tiny little things so probably wouldn't have much other function.

Chris - But the standard of cuisine was also quite advanced from fairly early on, wasn't it? I remember about, almost 20 years ago, covering a story where researchers working in China uncovered a pot with noodles in it. And it was obviously the remains of someone's last meal. And I remember one commentator I interviewed about it said, these noodles are 2000 years older than Jesus!

Emma - Absolutely. It goes back even further. So at the site of Shanidar Cave where I work in Northern Iraqi Kurdistan, we have some evidence that Neanderthals were actually pounding particular pulses and grass seeds, soaking them perhaps to make them more digestible as well, and then mushing them together into some kind of paste which they were then cooking. So probably this kind of complex food processing goes back far further than perhaps we imagine, back to Shanidar 70,000 years ago, and we might see something that is not too different from some of the foods that perhaps we might eat today.

An array of four electrical wires.

48:48 - Is electricity in our body the same as on grid?

The flow of electrons can take different forms...

Is electricity in our body the same as on grid?

Andrew Morris, science educator, with the answer...

Andrew - It's a question that comes up in my discussion groups; the nature of electricity. And of course, the remarkable thing is that everything is electrical, atoms are electrical. And the amazing fact that we live in a neutral world in which we're not, by and large, affecting each other by positive and negative charges, is an amazing balance. But the intrinsic nature of atoms is that they're composed of negative and positive parts. When you can separate them and make either the negative or the positive part flow in a direction, you've got an electrical current, which is a source of energy. And there are many different ways in which electrical currents can occur. Now, metals are materials in which some electrons are released from the atoms of the metal, the copper or the iron or whatever, and they become a kind of cloud of freely moving electrons. And again, when you apply a voltage across them, that drives these electrons in a current. Certainly, when I first started to think about nerves, and the fact we send electrical signals through nerves, I wondered if it was basically the same? And it's utterly different. It's not at all the same, but it does depend on ions. It does depend on these potassium and sodium ions in the tissue of a nerve. And the actual passage of an electrical pulse, the signal in a nerve, is simply caused by charged ions moving in and out of the cell in a kind of wave-like fashion. So it's a bit like a Mexican wave. The passage of the electrical signal down the length of a nerve is in fact due to the moving in and out of ions across the membrane of that nerve, not in any way like electrons flowing through a metal.


50:57 - How useful is Graham's number?

Maths for maths' sake or something more...

How useful is Graham's number?

Chris Smith asked Tony Padilla...

Tony - Graham's number, for a time, was the largest number ever to have appeared in a mathematical proof. It's named after Ron Graham, who is an American mathematician. He was solving some mathematical problems, these kinds of problems that mathematicians like to solve. It was very abstract. It's in some branch of mathematics called Ramsey theory. It involved hyper cubes in extra dimensions and all sorts of wonderful things. And he was trying to find bound for the results. Is this thing I'm trying to find, is it less than some number? And he was able to show it was less than this number, Graham's number, but this Graham's number is just ridiculously big. You take a number like a googol for example, which is a one with a hundred zeros. Well, Graham's number dwarfs that. Or take a googolplex, which is a one with a googol zeros, well, Graham's number dwarfs that. It's just off the scale, enormous. You can't write it down, you would run out of space in the universe to even try and write it down. So, to express it, we use a special type of notation that you have to invent to describe this thing. It's called Knuth's arrows, and it's like an extension of powers that you learned at school. Three squared, three cubed, that kind of thing. It's an extension of that that allows you to very rapidly get to very, very, very big numbers.

Tony - One of the things that I discussed about it in the videos and in the book was, I was trying to think about how big it is. And how can I express that? Well, what if you tried to imagine this number in your head, if you actually tried to picture its decimal expansion written out. Well, if you try to do that, Chris, then the inevitable outcome is that your head would collapse into a black hole. There's just too much information that, long before that happened, your head, it'd probably blow up, but if you managed to not blow up, it would collapse into a black hole.

Chris - So how did that guy's head not collapse into a black hole then?

Tony - Well, he used this clever notation, which allowed him to compact it. He wasn't thinking of it as a decimal expansion, right? Let's take the number 27. I could write down 27 or I could write down three cubed as a different way to express that number. So it's like that but in a much more enhanced way. So he had a way of expressing it that wasn't the big massive decimal expansion and so his head didn't collapse into a black hole.

Chris - But how did it change the world, the fact that he proved this?


Chris - That really matters, okay.

Tony - I think what was important about it was that it showed what was provable. Proof theory for mathematicians is a really important thing. Understanding what's provable, what isn't provable, can you show that this can actually be answered, these are important questions in logic.

The Earth in space orbiting round the sun.

54:17 - What's space made up of?

The molecules floating in the void above...

What's space made up of?

Chris Smith asked Imperial College London's Toby Wiseman.

Toby - Space is pretty empty compared to what we're used to on Earth, the atmosphere and rocks.

Chris - Has anyone actually measured it then? If I took a metre cubed of air on the Earth's surface, how many atoms and molecules would be in that compared to if I repeated that experiment out beyond the moon?

Toby - I think it is approximately one neutron or proton per metre cubed in space.

Andrew - That's roughly what I recollect, it being as thin as that.

Toby - But I'm not completely sure it's uniformly distributed in that way, it tends to amass into clouds. So there'll be less in some regions and more in others, but our solar system essentially has an enormous bomb at its centre, a massive nuclear fusion reaction - that's the sun. And it is pumping out all sorts of stuff: it's pumping out radiation, it's pumping out charged particles, the solar wind. And so whilst that isn't very dense compared to the densities we are used to here on Earth, there is certainly a lot of stuff in the solar system. And in fact, interestingly, I remember a couple of years ago there was that wonderful story where the Voyager spacecraft actually left what's called the heliopause, which is actually the point where the solar wind bangs into the interstellar medium, the stuff that's actually out there in deep space and forms the edge of our solar system. And so there certainly is stuff, there's not very much, but there's definitely stuff there.

Chris - Voyager very much in the news recently because NASA sent an incorrect command which had Voyager deflect its dish a bit which put it off of that alignment with the Earth's signals. I think the Australians were able to use an extremely big dish to send some signals and they said they've detected the heartbeat of Voyager 2. So they think they've got it back, don't they?

Toby - How awful would you feel if that was you.

克里斯-美国宇航局显然意识到,人类让mistakes when they launch Voyager because it resets itself on axis automatically every x number of months. So they said it's all right because, come October, it will be back anyway. But that would be a while to wait, wouldn't it? You'd be nervous. You'd think, 'I was the guy who killed Voyager.'

Toby - It's been going for a while, though.


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