





有很多关于灯箱的研究确实有效。很多人都有季节性情感障碍。它是真实存在的,我们认为它有遗传基础。这是人们一进入冬天就想要冬眠的地方。一旦白天开始变短,你就得不到足够的阳光照射。或者如果你不得不上夜班,这可能会让你感觉非常糟糕,非常沮丧。对于患有这种疾病的人来说,这可能是相当致残的。所以科学家们发现,如果你在早上得到一个能给你很多很多光线的灯箱(早上似乎很重要),它似乎会让人感觉更好。它的生理基础是什么?你的大脑中有一个生物钟叫做下丘脑的视交叉上核。 It's got about five thousand nerve cells that work like a genetic domino effect. One gene turns on a second gene which turns on a third gene and that turns on a fourth gene and that turns off the first gene again and the whole thing goes round in a circle. That's how it keeps time. It needs to be able to reset itself because if you go abroad on an aeroplane you get jetlagged for a little while before it resets. Recently, in the last four or five years, scientists have found there's a population of nerve cells in your eyes which see light which is at the blue end of the spectrum and they don't actually show your brain what they're seeing. They just tell your body clock what they're seeing. They tell the body clock when it's bright and when it's dark and by doing that they can reset your body clock and keep it in time. By shining this extra light, scientists think that's how you can rescue your body clock if you need to.

