








克里斯-好吧。我做了我的研究,因为我不是一个材料科学家,我有一种感觉,这与玻璃材料的不同部分受压或受压的方式有关。所以我打电话给我在剑桥大学的朋友霍华德·斯通。他是一位材料科学家;他的研究工作之一是帮助劳斯莱斯公司设计用于喷气发动机的合金。变成了喷气式发动机的部件,这些部件必须在极端温度下生存。所以他非常熟悉材料是如何变化的,以及对温度变化的反应就像把玻璃放进熔炉里,以及材料是如何对应力和应变做出反应的。现在他说"我不确定,因为我不知道玻璃的成分是什么"但他指出的是当你拿钢化玻璃时,你最终会遇到这样的情况,玻璃材料的中心处于张力状态,它被拉向边缘,而玻璃的表面处于压缩状态,它被挤压进去。当你把这个洞穿过去时,很明显,你改变了力通过玻璃传递的方式以及这些张力区域和压缩区域如何交换力或通过它们自己传递力。因此,从根本上说,如果你用一种关键的方式,抓住一定大小的物体,力是如何通过那块玻璃分布的。 It will also make a difference how far from the edge the hole is. So he thinks that it's likely, in this case, that it's that there is a critical size here that if you make the size of the hole a certain dimension you will end up focusing force between those interfaces of the area of compression and the area of tension, and this will result in it breaking because they'll be uneven uneven distribution of the forces in the glass. So I think this is probably where it's coming from, but without doing our own experiment we wouldn't know for sure, but I think that's a very plausible answer. Why the size of the hole should be so critical? I'm not sure and whether it's a red herring that it's the same thickness of the glass or not, but without doing some experiments we couldn't tell. But I think that sounds pretty plausible.




Chris -是的,你好,Yohan。答案是两者都有。星系转动的原因是因为它们有角动量。这些物质在早期宇宙中形成,然后随着恒星和先前星系的演化而被挥霍到太空中,这些物质都有自旋和蕴含动量。没有什么能阻止它转动,所以如果你把一个转动的物体加到另一个转动的物体上,合力动量或角动量就会是两者之和。因此,如果聚集在一起形成星系的物质碰巧平均质量是逆时针旋转的那么就会得到一个逆时针旋转的星系。所以你会得到,你会期望在偶然的基础上有相同数量的顺时针和逆时针旋转的星系,它们在旋转是因为制造它们的物质一开始就在旋转。所以我们的银河系,星系本身就是一个螺旋。它在旋转,星系中央有一个黑洞,整个星系中都有暗物质帮助把所有东西聚集在一起,星系中的行星和恒星的起源都在绕着星系旋转。在我们的系统中有行星围绕着我们的恒星运行。 They're all turning and they're all turning because the material that made them was turning.











克里斯-你好,斯文。好吧。当我们观察我们所知的宇宙我们观察外面的物质,如果我们观察物质;换句话说,构成我们的物质构成了我们周围的世界,然后我们问那占宇宙的多少?大约是5%。所以宇宙的5%是我们可以测量的可见物质。我们知道它是由什么构成的。它是两个亚原子粒子夸克,称为“上下夸克”和一些电子,它们一起构成了质子和中子——实际上是我们周围的原子。所以剩下的95%的宇宙需要解释。大约80年前,人们开始观察宇宙中其他地方的星系他们开始问恒星旋转的速度有多快? And they realised that the stars in those galaxies go round much faster than they ought to be able to unless there was something else which was gravitationally active hanging onto them. If that extra gravity in the galaxy weren't there, these stars at the speed they're turning round in a big loop around the galaxy should be being flung off in all directions, so there must be something in the galaxy holding onto them. They realized that that entity, which we don't know what this is, so we put the word "dark" in front of it to describe this entity which is cold. We can't measure it really. It doesn't interact with things or if it does it interacts only very weakly, and it's gravitationally active - that we call "dark matter." It makes up about 27 percent of the universe. Then that leaves behind the remaining - if we if we make the numbers easy 5 percent matter, 25 percent dark matter. That means that we've got about two thirds of the universe's mass still to account for - 75 percent in fact, three quarters. So where does that all come from? Well the rest of the universe's mass is in the form of dark energy. And this is bizarre but when astronomers began to measure far away objects in the universe, they realized that faraway objects are not staying the same distance from us. The light coming to us from them has stretched out. It's become red shifted. And light become stretched out like that when the space that it's had to pass through to get to us has got bigger, and that means that the universe is expanding. And the further away we look the further away things are going and newer objects are expanding even faster in the universe than older objects did. So the universe isn't just expanding, it's expanding and it's expanding faster as time goes on. So if something getting bigger and it's getting bigger faster something must be driving that expansion. And the energy to drive that expansion is this notional thing again; we don't know what it is so we put the word "dark" in front of it is dark energy, and this accounts for the vast majority of the universe. More than three quarters of the universe that's out there is this funny entity which in somehow is a property of space itself that as the universe creates more space and grows it gets more dark energy which accelerates the process of expansion. So that's the difference between dark energy. Dark energy is driving the universe to expand get bigger. Dark matter is a smaller fraction of the universe and is gravitationally active but weakly interacting with materials and things that we know about at the moment, but it holds everything together under gravity.







克里斯-你好,珍妮。不幸的是,我认为并不是所有事情都随着年龄的增长而改善。随着年龄的增长,我们都会变得更下垂,皱纹更多,身体也更不稳定。随着年龄的增长,你可能会发现,你用来控制声带的肌肉变弱了,控制声带的神经也变弱了,所以它们不像以前那么容易控制了。而且随着年龄的增长,你说话的时间可能会减少。我的意思是一个人,在优西比乌斯的工作中,他们的工作就是一直说话,所以他们的声音得到了很多锻炼。一个专业歌手,他们的声音得到了大量的锻炼,他们已经很好地控制了呼吸和我们用来发声的过程。如果一个人不花很多时间,特别是随着年龄的增长,与人交谈、聊天和社交互动,如果你不经常去健身房,你的肌肉就会变得有点弱,因为你不需要这些巨大的肌肉。如果老年人不经常使用它,他们的声音会变得更细更尖。所以我认为衰老过程的结果是自然地使组织失去弹性和弹性。 Secondly the fact that if we use it a bit less it doesn't retain its strength and vigor. And, in fact, if you practice and you do more talking and more singing and that kind of thing you probably will preserve those things into your old age better than someone who doesn't.






克里斯-是的,我喜欢太空主题。我不知道为什么我们称地球为地球,但很长一段时间以来,我们一直这么叫它。罗马人称它为Terrar,意思是地面,可能是因为这就是我们生活的地方。月球在古代的说法中不叫月亮;月球有一系列不同的名字。罗马人称它为Lunar,意为月亮。所以它并不总是被称为月球。但最初是谁想出这些名字的呢?我不知道。我得找个历史学家帮忙。 But obviously people have been obsessed with these things for a very long time because they really meant something to them. The Moon was a very visible daily presence. You know every day you'd see the moon rise and sink, apart from when you have a new Moon, and it would do it regularly. So people spotted those patterns and they attributed enormous significance to it and the ground beneath your feet decided whether you lived or died. And so I think probably for those reasons they gave them very highly important names. People didn't know that the Earth wasn't the only place in the universe until relatively recently. If you think in the 15/16 hundreds, people began to realize there were other planets. Galileo invented the telescope and began to look into the heavens. People like Copernicus began to be daring enough to suggest that the Earth wasn't at the center of the universe, and at that point people then began this whole business of spotting other celestial objects. They realized that stars included planets. The planets weren't just other stars, there were there were other bodies like the Earth out there. So we began to grow our knowledge and out of that knowledge came a much better understanding of the universe. So probably part of it was that we were extremely proud of ourselves in the early days and attached enormous significance because we thought we were the center of the universe, and then realized later that were not.









克里斯-是的,早上好。听说你的视力有问题,我很难过。仿生眼指的是人们正在开发一种可以代替眼睛的设备。眼睛是做什么的?眼睛是一个与你的神经系统相连接的时髦的照相机。它的眼睛后面有一个叫做视网膜的结构。在视网膜前面是一个聚焦系统,有点像你相机里的那个,它吸收光并把它聚焦到视网膜上,视网膜是这层组织,它把光波转换成脑电波。基本上它是一层对光线敏感的细胞。当光线照射在他们身上时,就会改变他们的电活动,这些电活动的变化然后通过视神经传递到大脑的后部,然后它们被编译成我们眼前看到的图像。想想看,你眼前看到的东西是在你的大脑后面被解码的,这很奇怪,不是吗? But when the eye goes wrong it can go wrong for many reasons. And it can be a problem with the front part of the eye, the focusing system. It can be a problem with the retina that decodes the light it comes in and turns it into nerve signals. Or it can be a problem with the optic nerve getting the signal into the brain. Or it can be a problem with the brain itself. So there's a range of different reasons why things go wrong and a bionic eye will only be able to work for some of those problems. Usually there's something wrong with the eye itself or the retina because what most of these systems rely on is that you put into the eye a light sensitive device which sits on the retina that's no longer working. Convert the light that's coming in and being focused onto it into electrical signals which are then injected into the healthy optic nerves that can carry the signals to the brain. We're not yet at the stage where we can replace the optic nerve connections to the brain. If a person therefore has a healthy optic nerve and you can electrically stimulate the nerve cells that go into that optic nerve with one of these devices you can begin to replace vision. And scientists at Oxford University and in Germany and other many other places are doing pioneering experiments now and getting quite a lot of good success where you can take people who have got blindness and can't see a thing, and you can get them being able to see, in low resolution admittedly, but see things again with these techniques. So it's coming along very fast and it's very exciting.








克里斯-是的。让我们马上揭开它的神秘面纱。没有证据表明左撇子比右撇子聪明。事实上,他们必须要做的,是与一个以右撇子为主的世界作斗争,因为如果你是左撇子,你的人口只占世界人口的不到10%。因为这个世界是由右撇子统治的,所以右撇子为右撇子创造了世界。剪刀,开锡器,计算器,所有的东西都是为右撇子准备的,所以左撇子实际上需要更强的适应能力来应对那种环境,有些人认为这让他们更聪明,更有能力应对。这个说法可能有点夸大事实了。但有一点是肯定的,左撇子的应对能力确实很好,而且他们的智力也没有受到任何损害。很可能他们更擅长体育运动。原因是右撇子大部分时间都在和其他右撇子竞争。 When they meet a lefthander on the tennis court or the cricket field, the lefthander will have spent the vast majority of their time competing against righthanders, but the righthanders won't have spent a lot of time competing against them so the left handers are at an advantage. So, as a result, it's not a bad thing to be lefthanded and you should certainly not try and encourage your children to go against their natural preference for their handedness because you're not going to change that. I used to do my own little experiment with my daughter because from a very young age I could tell she seemed to prefer using her left hand. So I would see what would happen if I would take the spoon out of her left hand and put it in her right hand and then later on it was crayons and pens. And I'd just do it subtly without telling her what I was doing and see what would happen. This is when she was about one and a half two. And very quickly she would just quickly transfer the device back to the other hand and it was clear from a very early age that she was going to be a lefty. So let your kids use the hand that they prefer using. The days of banning banning people from using the wrong hand are over, thank goodness, and it is very very bad for the people that that happened to.









