





戴夫:好吧,这是一种效应,理论上在某些情况下是可行的。它绝对适用于大天气系统或低压地区。本质上,如果你在一个低压区域或者任何从很远的地方吸收液体的地方,那些在北方的东西;因为地球的半径更小,它每天绕地球一圈,但它走得不是很远,所以它的速度不是很快。但是,离赤道越近的地方,离地轴越远。所以,你每天走的距离更远,所以你走得更快。如果你把物质吸向中心点,从南方来的速度更快的物质就会超过从北方来的物质它就会开始旋转进入中心。这种现象确实会发生,北半球的气旋是逆时针的,南半球的气旋是顺时针的。但是,当你开始谈论清空盆地和水槽时,问题是这种影响是存在的,但它绝对是微观的,很小。克里斯:人们已经测量过了。戴夫:是的,人们测量过。 Americans did make a huge bath, several meters across. They put a little bit of water in it and left it to sit for a fortnight and they pulled the plug out in a very controlled manner. If you do that, it does always get out anti clockwise in northern hemisphere. Problem is in a normal sink, it's much more affected by which tap you use to turn it on. How you move your hands in it within hours before you left it to pull the plug out, and exactly how you pull the plug out. And so, we did this experiment on the Naked Scientists a while ago and we found it's essentially random in both northern, southern hemispheres.Kat - You mentioned about cyclones going different ways. What happens to the cyclones moves across the equator? Does it suddenly stops and start going the other way?Dave - They generally slow down and I don't think they normally do - I've never seen one.Chris - It wouldn't be energetically favorable probably for it to do that.Kath - So it wouldn't do it, it would grind to a halt. Crazy.

