Science Articles, Interviews & Questions

25 January 2023

Is it game over for physical copies of games?

25 January 2023

Find out what's happening in the world of gaming.

24 January 2023

Is computer science itself the first industry to be overhauled?

24 January 2023

It turns out ChatGPT can write as compelling science as some scientists can....

24 January 2023

Chatbots could render some homework assignments redundant...

24 January 2023

How does it reply with such coherent answers?

24 January 2023

And learning about the history of chatbots in the process...

20 January 2023

Diverting lightning away from protected places...

20 January 2023

Big computational tasks use a lot of energy, at a big cost to the environment...

20 January 2023

It's potentially the oldest example of animals engaging in a show of strength to attract a mate...

20 January 2023

模拟的条件brain to help fight neurodegenerative disease...

20 January 2023

Transplanted hairs increased the number of nerves and blood vessels in scar tissue...

17 January 2023

A new wave of drinks designed to mimic alcohol's effects, but without the hangover or dependency

17 January 2023

Why is alcohol so addictive, and what are the signs to look out for?

17 January 2023

Is there a certain age or demographic to which alcohol is particularly dangerous?

17 January 2023

Where did alcohol originate, and why is it legal compared to similar drugs?

13 January 2023

In a gambling setting, apes deploy a similar economic strategy that humans do...

13 January 2023

But scientists assure this is only a bump in the road...

13 January 2023

A new system that can convert regular plastics and carbon dioxide into usable fuels...

13 January 2023

Pairs of dolphins have to increase the volume of their communication during cooperative foraging

13 January 2023

A new algorithm creates a fully automated way of monitoring blood glucose levels

10 January 2023

Is there a certain mindset that is more likely to be convinced by extremist arguments?

10 January 2023

Why don't stars run out of fuel?...

10 January 2023

What is number sense and why is it so imporant to have?