










克莱夫:不,我们从酒店收集数据,正如我所说,与流行的观点相反,尽管你在报纸上读到,但臭虫在酒店并不常见。保护自己最重要的事情是;购买二手卧室家具要非常小心。再想想二手床垫吧。想想你可能会买的二手床或床头柜。臭虫经常在这些东西上移动,所以要注意这一点。再说一遍,不要搬进有臭虫的房子。如果你想租一套床、一套公寓或其他地方,看看有没有臭虫出没的迹象。我们要找的是臭虫的粪便斑点。正如我们所说,臭虫以血为食,它们的粪便颜色非常深,通常,我们会看到许多小的黑点,可能有针头大小,可能有一毫米宽,在臭虫窝点周围,就像托比说的,这些窝点可能在床上或床周围。 So we might be looking for the beading around the mattress, around the buttons on the mattress, around joints in a wooden bedframe, where the skirting board joints along the wall, if you've got a white skirting against the wall, if we've got little bits of lose wallpaper, a back of the headboard will be the classic sign. So, if you're thinking of renting a furnished flat, a furnished bet set, have a look at those sorts of areas and if we're seeing little black spots around there, then be very, very careful.








克莱夫:有很多选择。有自己动手的选择。我不赞成任何选择。再一次,当我接触到有臭虫的人时,会有这样一个典型的叙述历史,最终发现他们得了臭虫。他们会试图自己处理掉它们,他们会告诉我,“是的,我们买了一些气溶胶。我们买了一些粉末。我们把床垫扔掉了。我们有了一张新床。我们扔掉了地毯等等。”在做了所有这些之后,他们仍然有臭虫。 So, I would say that anybody who believes they've got bed bugs, they need professional advice and that professional advice may be input from a local authority pest control team, and there's still numbers of local authorities that offer pest control service, or a private company. And I think the important thing is to talk with a number of potential providers of the service, check out the service they can provide, check out the costs. Very importantly, ensure that they will guarantee they work, so it doesn't get a result, they will come back and do it again.


如果你正在寻找如何摆脱臭虫的答案,我找到了一个方法。没有化学物质,没有大惊小怪,没有热量,没有混乱。首先,你可能想知道我对臭虫的了解。它们被一种由体温产生的身体散发的化学气味所吸引。他们喜欢在光线不足的情况下工作到很晚,但如果饿了,他们会随时进食。它们可以快速地旅行很远的距离,是很好的搭便车者。这就是为什么你可能会在你的衣橱里、浴室里的纸缝里、裂缝里、地毯里找到它们的原因。衣服携带着你的气味,任何黑暗的地方都是藏身的好地方。由于它们的体型,尤其是幼崽,它们很难被发现。他们生来就准备收割你。 They bite multiple times and grow quickly to become adults laying eggs and more eggs . Once hatched they have a short window for finding food and seem to get led by an adult to the buffet [ My own observation ] . You might find one adult and multiple babies on the prowl . Also you seem to find eggs patches with adults near by . Anyways I could go on for hours of more facts but time to reveal my success . .I had been dealing with an infestation of bed bugs after moving in a complex inundated with the creatures . My room became the same as others . Fortunately I had a hip injury that eventually forced me to get a heating pad which I left on constantly and used directly on the skin . The pad covering the heating pad of course picked up my chemical scent and as time went on I noticed the little critters disappeared . Now I was providing a chemical scent all the time as I left the heating pad on 24 hours a day . The bugs started coming to the heating pad and found no food plus seem to become dehydrated as the heat was intense . Soon I was pressed to find even one and found some even dead in cups looking for moisture I would assume .Occasionally I have found one under the heating pad looking severely depleted . THIS IS MAYBE A SIMPLE FIX TO A MAJOR PROBLEM I think more than anything I was able to interrupt the egg juvenile cycle as the babies were getting no food and perished . Now my room is bug free and my life a lot better . Be advised the plan takes a month or so but saves you poisoning yourself and expensive exterminating fees Any questions please contact me.
