






Lou Ignarro讲述了他的移民家庭在美国的定居,以及他自己从小对科学的兴趣。他将自己性格形成时期对化学和生物学的迷恋,加上他不断质疑的天性,归结为后来他在这个领域取得的成功至关重要……

卢,我只能告诉你关于我自己的事。对我来说,这真的是一次不可思议的过山车。我的父母是意大利移民。他们搬到了纽约,在那里相遇,结了婚,我也跟着来了。我的父母从未上过学,他们完全没有受过教育。这一点慢慢地影响了我,因为当我开始上小学的时候,我知道的并不多。我的英语很差。我的意大利语很好。然而,由于我的热情和学习的动力,我能够继续并提高我的成绩通过小学。我对科学有极大的热情。 Why did I love chemistry? I liked making firecrackers. I liked making bombs, which I made quite a few of. I loved biology. I liked dissecting animals I found outside and noticed how their organs resembled the human organs, which I used to look at from an anatomy book. I never lost my passion and interest for science and I kept raising all kinds of questions. The one question I raised in high school, for example, was 'how come so many of my friends and relatives die of cardiovascular disease when they're 50 and others just live on and on and on and never get sick?' I thought that ‘maybe healthy people produce some molecule in the body that protects them against heart disease and the ones who get sick are not as lucky and they don't make enough or any at all.’ Well, I kept it in my mind as I was going through my studies. One thing led to another. We did some experiments and we were able to find that molecule; nitric oxide. But to get to that point, I had to struggle. I remember a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson who said "Do not go where the path may lead, but instead, go where there is no path and create a trail."

