




所以,人们会说,“哦,不是我。是我的虫子。”心理学家金妮·史密斯试着回答了保罗的问题。金妮-这真是个有趣的问题。所以我认为他所指的寄生虫是弓形虫病这是一种非常非常常见的寄生虫,它在老鼠身上度过它的生命周期,但是它必须传给猫才能完成它的生命周期。所以,它的作用是控制老鼠的思想,让老鼠不那么害怕猫。事实上,它甚至会被猫的粪便气味所吸引。所以,它走到户外,更有可能被猫吃掉,这有助于寄生虫完成它的生命周期。有趣的是,很多人都携带这种寄生虫。我们大多数人都认为它不会造成任何伤害。 Most people don't have symptoms, but it does stick around in our bodies for a long time after we've had it and they found that people who have toxoplasmosis latent inside them are 2.5 times as likely to get into car accidents. So it seems like it might be having some kind of effect similar to the effect it has on rats on us as well. So, could bacteria have the same sort of effect? Well, we're learning more and more about our microbiome, the microbes that live inside us and how much of an effect that can have on all sorts of things. It could affect sleep, mood, memory. It can cause illnesses, it can cause depression, all sorts of things. So, there's a chance that your microbiome could be having an influence on perhaps your risk taking behaviour, perhaps your mood, perhaps making you more aggressive. I haven't found any studies that have been directly looking at that yet. But I did found an interesting one that looked at anti-social behaviour in prisons including violence, and found that by supplementing the diet with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, it improved that kind of behaviour. They didn't really mention how that improvement might have been coming about but we know that your diet has a huge effect on the bugs that live inside you, on your microbiome. So, it's not too big a jump to say that it could've been the microbiome that mediated that effect, but we just don't know yet.

Chris - Ginny,你在推特上漂亮地回答了Bhavish的问题,因为他说@裸体科学家,“我们吃的食物如何影响我们的基因,也影响我们的肠道大脑?换句话说,就是微生物群。”你已经解决了这个问题。关于弓形虫病有一点,所有携带弓形虫的东西都会终生携带它法国是世界上弓形虫病感染率最高的国家之一。事实上,高达80%这可能是因为他们大部分时间都在室温下烹饪食物,但他们的驾驶记录也很差。因此,一些科学家推测,法国糟糕的驾驶记录和高昂的保险费可能与弓形虫病直接相关。


Chris -整个问题是,如果你有"转位"你是否有潜在的风险获得某人的狡猾行为因为几周前英国医学杂志上有一篇社论问了这个问题?不是吗,凯特?


