

空气是液体吗?为什么我的烤箱爆炸了?神经会再生吗?奇点之前发生了什么?HIV阴性的人会传播HIV吗?我应该完成一个疗程的抗生素治疗吗?酒蝇是怎么找到我的酒的?TalkRadio 702台的尤西比乌斯·麦克泽和克里斯·史密斯博士一起寻找188bet体育投注官网答案。

这是一个有趣的研究因为很长一段时间以来我们一直在咨询病人抗生素是用来治疗细菌感染的因为大多数感冒和流鼻涕是由病毒引起的所以服用抗生素是没有任何好处的。本周,耶鲁医学院的研究人员在《自然微生物学》上发表了一篇非常有趣的论文。这是岩崎明子,她在研究病毒方面有着长期的记录,他们有了一个不寻常的发现事实上,某些种类的抗生素药物可以使身体进入抗病毒状态。所以它们可能真的有抗病毒或治疗感冒的作用。现在他们并不是说我们应该冲到那里开始给感冒用抗生素。他们说,这个观察结果很有趣,因为它可能告诉我们如何找到控制病毒感染的新方法。在他们的研究中,他们在老鼠身上做了实验,所以你必须要谨慎地把它应用到人类身上。但他们使用的是一种叫做氨基糖苷的抗生素。有像新霉素这样的药物是抗生素家族的成员。当老鼠把抗生素涂在皮肤上或者鼻子里面。 They found that cells in the nose were much less easy to infect with viruses afterwards and the mechanism appears to be that these antibiotic molecules through a totally different mechanism through which they kill bacteria, trigger the immune cells in the area to stop pumping out signals, good interferons, which put the adjacent cells into this very profound virus resistant state. It's like sounding a burglar alarm as a result all the cells go into lockdown, and yet you don't grow new viruses in them. So what they're saying is if we can find out what it is about these molecules, these antibiotic molecules, that make the cells do this then what we could do is to focus on that aspect of their behavior and come up with a new class of drugs which will enable us to make anti virus drugs which will be potentially very useful in the treatment of a whole raft of different virus infections because they tried this against herpes virus that causes cold sores and genital disease. They tried again Zika virus tried it against flu and it had the same effect against all these viruses. So there may, you never know, be a way to cure the common cold. And the clue may come from antibiotics in the future if we can work out how these molecules are doing this.
克里斯:当然。你有很好的听力。恭喜你!空气是流体。是的,你说得对。你没听错。它是一种气体,但它也是流体,它表现得像流体。它只是分散的液体。当我们有水的时候,我们有一种更浓缩或者密度更高的流体。当你有气体时,它的行为方式完全相同,分子之间的距离更远一些。 But but to all intents and purposes the fluid in the air the air behaves identically to a stream of water and you can do this yourself. If you take say a spoon and dribble water over the back of it you'll see it sticking to the surface of the spoon and then coming off at an angle. If you put that same spoon in a wind tunnel and blow smoke over the spoon, which is particles in gas, you'll see exactly the same trajectory. So the two things behave both physically and mathematically the same...
克里斯-是的。但问题是玻璃会受到压力,因为烤箱形状的热变化和金属膨胀会在烤箱门上施加不均匀的力。很多东西都会影响玻璃对加热的反应,因为如果你有很多沉淀物。我不知道你的烤箱有多干净你可能有一个非常干净的敞开的门。我们中的许多人,包括我自己,都不知道。如果你在玻璃上有沉淀物,它们会不对称地吸收热量从而传递热量或者阻止热量传递到玻璃上这样玻璃就不会不对称地加热。所以一系列的因素包括烤箱的金属膨胀,玻璃不对称加热,玻璃变得有点旧,然后你可能会有一些振动,这可能会造成不同。这可能会导致玻璃的共振,或者在一个地方集中力,这可能会促使玻璃突然松动。但我打赌,当烤箱变热的时候,你会得到膨胀,形状改变,玻璃受力的不均匀,这将把力集中在一个地方,导致它破裂,特别是如果玻璃随着时间的推移已经出现了一个弱点。因为每次你打开烤箱它都会加热然后冷却,这将导致物体膨胀和收缩,膨胀和收缩你可能会在玻璃上出现微小的裂缝只是因为它变老了。 And with repeated use and cleaning and so on you do get these micro fractures in the surface and they're going to focus forces at one particular point which is going to make the glass more likely to go eventually in that place.
克里斯-早上好。听说你失明了,我很难过。答案是,这取决于我们谈论的是哪种神经,因为身体可以分为两个区域。中枢神经系统包括大脑和脊髓,然后是周围神经系统包括身体其他部位的神经。一般来说,如果你损伤了周围的神经,比如我伤了一根手指或者被电锯之类的东西锯断了一条胳膊,如果这些组织被迅速重新连接神经末梢被连接在一起,周围的神经细胞可以沿着神经生长并重新连接到它们原来的目标上。你可以恢复运动功能,移动的能力你可以恢复感觉的能力。这需要一段时间因为神经需要一段时间才能沿着导管或者旧神经的路径生长。它把它作为寻找目标的途径,但它确实发生了。中枢神经系统的情况就大不相同了中枢神经系统包括视神经。所以听起来你的问题是你的视神经受到了损伤因此神经细胞也受到了损伤。 Although the optic nerves is outside the brain, its got a connect into the brain substance to make the connections so you can see. And if you've damaged those nerve cells theres a high likelihood that they won't regrow because the cells that provide the nerve tissue in the first place have been damaged. In other words the ganglion cells that make the optic nerve may have been damaged irrevocably by the injury and that may be why it hasn't come back. So the bottom line is that the central nervous system regenerates very poorly and that's why people who have strokes, for example, do find that they have a limited ability, not a zero ability, but a limited ability to recover and the stroke is obviously damage to central nervous system tissue. In your case it sounds like swelling could have caused damage and that's probably why the nerve cells have not regenerated.
Bongani -是的。好的。我的问题是。我对生活大爆炸很感兴趣。所以我对过去几个月做了一些调查。我只是想问那里的科学家,因为我一直在纠结这个问题,无法弄清它的真相。我只是想问你在《生活大爆炸》之前发生了什么?有什么证据证明我们怎么知道旋转的小点比纸上的小点小?我们怎么知道它存在于所有这些东西中?我脑子进水了。 I'm still reading but I just think that the Naked Scientists can explain. Where did that dot come from and where was it spinning in? What caused it to spin and is there evidence or is this just a sort of beleif or whatever? I just need to know with regard to that piece.
克里斯-这里所说的是138亿年前发生的事情。因为根据我们目前的测量和模型,我们相信宇宙是在那个时候开始存在的。我们认为宇宙来自一个奇点,也就是Bongiorni在这里提到的那个点,我们认为这个奇点非常小,但能量非常大,由于某种原因,我们不明白,能量释放出来,宇宙突然出现,并迅速开始膨胀,就像气球爆炸一样,膨胀得非常非常快,非常非常热。然后随着宇宙的膨胀和膨胀,它冷却下来。当它冷却下来的时候,一些非常热的物质开始凝结,你得到了第一个物质,你得到了氢,氦和一点点锂。随着时间的推移,因为所有这些物质在重力作用下随机移动,它们开始聚集在一起因为所有东西都在移动它不能不移动所以所有这些物体的动量或运动或旋转这些物体的物质聚集成球这就是为什么这些物体,星系,恒星凝聚在它们的行星周围形成这些恒星。这就是为什么它们都在旋转和转向,因为所有的东西都有动量,你有这个叫做角动量守恒的东西。然后宇宙会稍微放慢它的增长速度,随着年龄的增长,它会再次加速。我们知道这一点,因为如果我们在宇宙中看得更远我们可以看到事物正在远离我们,我们看得越远,它们离开的速度就越快这是宇宙在增长的证据随着年龄的增长,它增长得更快。在宇宙出现之前是什么我们不知道。 No one was there to see it. No one was there to see the beginning of the universe but we can infer what happened because there are still what people dub the echoes of the Big Bang knocking around in the universe today. There's something called the cosmic microwave background radiation and this is effectively radiation left over from when those initial phases of the big bang happened. And because the universe is stretched out and grown the light, those radio signals, have stretched out and become very long wavelength radiation but they're still there. And there are signals hidden or written into those radio signals, those microwaves, that we can read today and they give us clues as to what was happening in the early phases of the big bang. So we can work out what was happening and we can work out roughly when it was happening by looking indirectly at these other measurements and other things that are around today. And physicists are running very complicated simulations saying well we know where the galaxies are, give or take today, or many of them. If we put this into a computer we can model how it must be growing and evolving, and if you can model how it's growing and evolving getting bigger you can then win the clock back to ask what would it look like in the early days? And that's what they're doing to try to get a model of where we came from and where we might ultimately end up.
克里斯-现在我们检测HIV的方法是一个过去有过感染的人,或者只是想知道他们的状况的人提供血液样本。现在我们倾向于在一个人最后一次潜在接触后至少三个月进行检查,因为我们在血液测试中寻找的东西需要时间来记录并达到安全检测的水平。我们寻找的是HIV抗体。我们也在寻找抗原,这是病毒在体内生长时产生的蛋白质,所以我们实际上是在用两种不同的方法寻找两个不同的目标,用几种不同的测试来确保没有假阳性或假阴性。如果检测结果呈阳性,我们就会回到病人身上,用独立的血液样本再次对他们进行测试,以确保我们的诊断是正确的,因为测试有时可能会给出假阳性或假阴性。测试也可能在错误的血液样本上进行测试或执行。这种情况时有发生,所以我们总是重新测试。如果你这样做,得到错误结果的可能性非常低因为我们使用了多种不同的测试来寻找不同的东西。你们从不同的角度来看问题,所以你们不太可能错过什么。但这并非不可能,因为在医学上你永远不能说不可能。 And it's also not impossible that somebody could acquire HIV and then shed the virus and and then cease to be infected because they have an effective immune response to the virus. And these people do exist and we occasionally find them. In fact, we think we found somebody in this situation in our hospital recently who had clear evidence of having been HIV positive in the past and appears to have mounted a successful immune response and cleared the infection and has an undetectable viral load in their body. Now this does happen but these people are rare. And at the moment we're trying to study them to try and work out how they do this. Because if the immune system is capable of doing this, which it clearly is, it might be possible to try and find a way to persuade everyone elses immune system to do the same thing and clear the virus in their body as well. But at the moment we dont know how this happens and its pretty unlikely that for an average person you would test positive or acquire the virus and then suddenly test negative. And if you're testing negative, then actually you can't be shedding the virus because you have to have virus growing in your body and be detectable in the bloodstream to be infectious for HIV I would say.
克里斯-是的。人们有这种咒语的原因是总是要完成抗生素的疗程。它建立在一些可靠的科学基础上,如果我们以结核病为例,结核病是一个如此严重的问题的原因之一,事实上,全世界可能有大约20亿人感染了结核病。这是一个挑战,为什么我们现在到处都有抗生素耐药性的原因之一是这些药物很贵,它们不方便,它们有副作用,所以如果人们服用一点药物,他们很快就会感觉好起来,然后他们认为我被治愈了,所以他们停下来,因为他们不想要花费和不便。他们还没有完全消除感染,所以它会卷土重来。然后他们服用更多的药物,但是这些药物现在细菌已经产生了抗药性,所以他们必须服用不同的药物。结果我们就会对下一批药物产生抗药性,再下一批药物。因此,让人们完成一门课程并从体内根除感染的想法,就是为什么人们被敦促确保你完成课程的全部要点。另一方面,来自《卫报》的证据,也就是你提到的那篇文章,略有不同。这就是说,当一个人有细菌感染时我们所做的是我们说,对,你有尿液感染我们会给你X天的这种药,服用这个,然后你就会好起来。 Actually, that's based on the fact that when people take a drug, we know that if we give it for that long we're going to cure everybody. But in fact there are some people in the population who dont need it for anything like that long and we just haven't looked. And so now people are beginning to go back and they're beginning to ask whats the time that is actually better to give the drug for that will achieve cure in those people and minimise the side effects and minimise the cost. Those are the sorts of questions that are being asked now in order to do better stewardship with our antibiotics and also to minimise the cost and inconvenience and side effects for patients. We're not in a position where we have gold standard advice or everything yet though. So the best thing to do is to follow the advice of your doctor who should already be giving you the minimum duration of antibiotic exposure that you need and tailoring your therapy accordingly. But certainly these questions are being asked and people are looking to minimise the exposure that people have to antibiotics because there are always side effects.

