




克里斯-是的。这是一个非常令人兴奋的突破。多年来,我们一直通过注射胰岛素来治疗糖尿病,因为糖尿病患者体内没有足够的胰岛素——要么他们不能制造胰岛素,要么他们的身体没有足够的胰岛素来满足他们的需要。你必须注射胰岛素的原因是它是一种蛋白质,这意味着如果你要吞下这种化学物质,那么你胃里的消化液和小肠会在它被吸收之前把它分解,这意味着你的血糖不会受到影响,你需要胰岛素来控制血糖。哈佛大学的研究人员所做的,本周发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上,这是Samir Mitragotri,他是这项研究的主要作者。他们已经成功地找到了一种将胰岛素嵌入我们所说的“离子液体”的方法,这种离子液体是由两种常见的化学物质制成的。一种叫胆碱,一种叫天竺葵酸,当你把这些化学物质放在一起它们形成一个笼子,字面上叫做胆碱和天竺葵酸的笼子,在胰岛素周围,它做几件事。首先,它通过稳定蛋白质免受胃酸的影响来保护胰岛素。第二,它可以穿透肠道粘膜,通常会阻止胰岛素被吸收。第三,它可以撬开将肠壁细胞连接在一起的连接,这样胰岛素分子就可以通过了。 And when they administer this to rats, they can show that the blood sugar drops in the same way it would if the rats were injected with insulin but the effect is longer lasting and much more physiological, more natural because the insulin goes in via the intestine rather than from the skin. And so they have high hopes for being able to extrapolate this to what will go on in human. Now, obviously, it's very early days, and it needs safety trials, and needs to be proven that you can do this in a way that's safe for the person's blood sugar, but also is not going to have other untoward effects. But this is really exciting because for years, decades diabetics have had to inject themselves and this carries all kinds of problems. This might be one way that you could turn this into a disease managed by a pill rather than an injection.









克里斯-是的,这是个好问题。当我看着我的菜地时,我可以清楚地看到,与我们想要的东西相比,杂草是多么具有侵略性和侵入性。问题是我们注意到这些杂草具有侵入性和侵入性因为它们长得比我们想要的东西还长正是它们这样做的原因。这并不是说杂草本身有什么特殊的特征,只是因为我们不喜欢它们,而更喜欢我们想要种植的东西,所以我们把它们视为一种讨厌的东西。但是有很多高产的植物是我们喜欢食用和种植的,它们非常多产,如果你把它们放在合适的环境中,它们会长得非常好。只是我们倾向于注意到,当我们不喜欢的东西超过我们喜欢的东西时。科学家们正试图从中吸取教训,并将其用于我们的优势。因为如果你以谷物作物为例,比如小麦和大麦等等,那些祖先的谷物看起来和我们今天的现代同类并不一样。我们今天拥有的这些作物的版本是通过选择性育种产生的。我们所做的就是选择那些产量很高的品种,它们看起来很有弹性,它们能忍受天气和干旱等等。 They look nothing like their historical counterparts. Now, actually, some of the things that we've bred into the crops are very beneficial like the things I mentioned, but at the same time when you breed for these traits sometimes you can actually lose something. Tomatoes is a good example. The tomatoes we have today are bred to be huge, high productivity, nice looking fruit but they taste rubbish compared to these very much smaller ancestral varieties. People are now realising that actually we've lost something in trying to make something better. So what they're now doing is going back into the history books and back to nature, finding the original ancestral varieties of these things and trying to bring some of the traits that they have back into the modern equivalents. So, in other words, you take the weed equivalent or a distant relative and to try and do selective breeding to bring some of those traits into the modern counterparts so that you can have better disease resistance or faster growth and better flavour more than anything. So weeds can be good too and they're not just a nuisance. There's a good set of genetic diversity in there that we can sometimes tap into.




Chris:这个问题有很多方面,谢谢你提出了一个重要的问题。可能最令人担忧的方面是海洋中的塑料数量巨大。它加起来有数百万吨和数百万个颗粒,塑料的特点是它的寿命很长。当塑料碎片相互摩擦时,它们不会消失,而是变成微小的塑料碎片——微塑料。这些微塑料的表面积很大,但体积很小,这意味着它们会与大量的水摩擦。因为塑料是油基的,它可以从水中吸收比水更倾向于与油结合的东西。所以你最终会得到这些微小的塑料微粒携带着有毒的货物,这些有毒的货物都是在水中的油溶性物质。各种污染物,其他东西,比如杀虫剂,其他持久性化学物质,这些都不是好消息。这些微塑料会被过滤水的生物吸收,比如贝类和滤食性动物,它们会吸收这些塑料,因为它们太小了,不会被它们歧视。它们把这些塑料带进体内,这些有毒物质附着在这些微塑料上,然后溶解在吃了塑料的生物体内。 The thing that's eaten the plastic then poos out the old plastic again but it's now picked up the toxic cargo. Over a long time, those toxic things are going to build up in that filter feeder. But then along comes a fish and eats the filter feeder. Now you've got a fish which has got all of the toxic cargo in the fish. And then along comes a bigger fish and eats the smaller fish and it's got all of the toxic cargo that was in all the small fish it was eating. And in this way these chemicals can accumulate through the food chain. And then along comes your big top predator mammal like an elephant seal or something, and he or she eats a big fish which is full of all of these things that have accumulated up the food chain. So the animal hasn't had to learn to discriminate against plastic or not, it's just going about its business and it's eating things tit would normally eat, but it's having an indirect effect of the plastic brought to bear on it. And this is the big problem that although there are some bits of plastic we can see, there are lots of effects of plastic that we can't. And the lifetime of plastic in the ocean is incredibly long which means we're going to have to live with the legacy of this for a really long time and it's really hard to do something about it, which is why people are campaigning. Let's try and stop it getting any worse now so that at least the problem won't continue to explode. Because if we carry on at the present rate, and we've already got a big problem, we'll have a ginormous problem.






但底线是,你的身体对变化非常敏感,你的神经系统被设定为检测变化。因为,在一天结束的时候,当事情发生变化时,可能是更好的变化,但也可能是最坏的变化。你需要知道事情什么时候发生了变化,这样你才能及时应对。所以你的神经系统对突然偏离它习惯的事物非常敏感,然后它习惯了新的事物状态,并向你发出变化的信号。所以当你第一次把手放在很冷或很热的水中时,你会有一连串的感觉信息进入你的大脑,告诉你哇,有些事情发生了变化。叠加在上面的是整个感觉,它是热还是冷,我们是否觉得不舒服。一旦你习惯了某件事,很多事情就会发生。当你的身体进入防御模式时,它实际上改变了血液流经身体的路线,从皮肤表面撤回血液循环,以降低热量散失的速度。你还会提高新陈代谢率来产生更多的热量,这样你就不会那么冷了。你的神经系统适应了你在寒冷环境中的事实所以它不会一直提醒你很冷因为事情没有改变你现在很冷,所以你已经习惯了这种情况。 So I think in this situation you have adapted your nervous system to the ambient temperature of the very cold water and so your body temperature has stopped plummeting because you've directed blood more towards your core than your skin and, therefore, your rate of heat loss has slowed right down. And, under those circumstances, you're able to tolerate it for maybe 10 minutes or so before you might become dangerously cold.


保罗-你好。我有两只杰克罗素,一公一母。公狗和小狗有点不同,他会看电视,看国家地理杂志等。但我现在的问题是,我最近才发现,我有一个手机手套。一个很结实的,所以塑料很厚。如果我拿起我的指甲,像弹吉他一样弹一小段曲子,它会发出咔哒的声音,他的下颚会立刻移动,和我咔哒的节奏完全一样。现在有趣的是,很明显,对于人眼来说,我根本看不到时间流逝。显然有一个,但是非常非常小。前几天我在他睡着的时候做的,他睡着的时候下巴还在动。它实际上唤醒了他。 So you explain to me. I've gone to 20 other dogs and it's the only dog that does this

动物对声音非常敏感,狗有敏锐的听觉。我的一个朋友有一只鹦鹉,她经常跟着烘肉卷跳舞。只有烘肉卷,对吧。她可以玩其他的东西。我不知道烘肉卷有什么特别之处但是《逃出地狱的蝙蝠2》,它真的很喜欢。蝙蝠从地狱出来我,它不在乎。它会随着肉卷乐队的《Bat Out of Hell II》的低音节奏及时摇头。我们做了实验,我们尝试了其他东西,非常相似的音乐类型没有效果。很明显,这只鸟对这个特定的频率非常敏感。狗的耳朵确实很好,神经系统中有一些连接会引发反射,所以当你当你有刺激时你就会做出反应,有些人也会这样做。 You can you can make a sound or you can have an unexpected thing happen and someone would twitch in response to it. And it's probably because that there is a certain set of connections in the brain that when you present that particular sound stimulus, or it could be a visual stimulus or whatever, it then elicits a certain pattern of nerve activity that, in certain individuals, will result in a certain muscular movement. I suspect that's what's going on that the clicking noise of a set of frequencies to which the dog is sensitive and, at the same time, is eliciting the response in the hearing parts of the brain. There might be some additional connections onto those motor areas that correspond to the dog's face muscles and it's eliciting that twitch, but also it's when it's processing the sound that is then getting aroused and woken up by it.












节目已经结束了。梅娜,你知道你说过你无法释怀。我也无法理解这个概念。最重要的是,我们知道时间紧迫。我们可以确定宇宙起源的日期,我们知道宇宙的年龄——大约138亿年。所以我们基本上知道存在时间之箭我们知道宇宙在膨胀。我们知道它可能会最终死亡。它可能没有尽头。我们只是不知道。我不会假装懂物理。 I don't think Einstein would have been able to say for sure what was going on because when he came up with all of his theories, he fiddled some of them because he thought he'd got something wrong. In fact he hadnt, he wanted the universe to be static. He didnt want it to be growing and he couldn't reconcile the fact so he put a fiddle in the fudge into his equations. Actually, the universe is growing and now we realize he shouldn't have fudged his equations, you're absolutely right. But we don't really know and we don't understand how a lot of this works, which is why we need physicists. So everyone go to university and study quantum mechanics because this is going to have the answer for us.



