


Maria van Kerkhove,世界卫生组织




Maria Van Kerkhove领导世界卫生组织在新发疾病方面的工作。本周,由于最近披露了武汉此前未发布的有关Covid-19起源的信息,她在《科学》杂志上发表了一篇尖锐的社论,她说:“三周前,世界卫生组织(世卫组织)获悉,中国科学家拥有2020年1月收集的武汉病毒样本数据,这些数据本应立即与全球研究界共享,而不是三年后。缺乏数据披露是不可原谅的。”强大的语言。那么她指的是什么数据,我们应该如何回应呢?





玛丽亚:你指的是国际科学家和中国科学家在2021年1月至2月进行的一项任务,目的是了解火星的起源。这是一个专门研究SARS冠状病毒2起源的任务。他们在2021年3月发表了一份报告,概述了他们能够确定的内容。在那份报告中,有一些研究建议需要进行。它包括市场上的样本追踪动物,做血清学,通过在市场上工作的人在动物身上的抗体来寻找过去感染的证据。任何疾病爆发的开始都是极具挑战性的。你一开始主要关注的是五个问题。这是什么?它是如何传播的?感染的程度如何? How far has it spread already? What disease does it cause and what do we do? And at the time, the cat was out of the bag so to speak; the virus was already spreading. And so a lot of the efforts early on were on putting out that fire, stopping human to human transmission, reducing the morbidity and mortality because we were seeing huge increases in deaths and hospitals were being overwhelmed. But in addition to that, there's always work that's done at that initial source or what you think is the initial source. We knew the market played a really important amplification role because most of the cases were associated with that market. So the market was closed, the market was disinfected. That was the right thing to do. But what also happens at that time is samples would be collected. Those samples were collected, we knew that was happening. That's where some of the early sequences were identified, as well as some of the early sequences from the patients. And the question is, what happened to that information? Were there studies that actually traced the animals that we now know were sold? Were these wildlife, were these domestic species? Was this legal trade or illegal trade? And that's not a blame question, it's just getting to these answers. Because we can't come away with this pandemic and say, we need better surveillance, we need better reporting. We need to actually know the exact drivers of this. Where did they come from in terms of the trade routes? What were the animal species that were there, the conditions by which they were raised, the conditions by which they were sold so that we could do better, we could prevent this from happening again. So a lot of those early days, that early work, I believe more was done. There's incredible scientific knowledge in China that this work maybe was done. And that's what we're questioning. We keep questioning has this work been done? And if so, that data needs to be shared immediately.


玛丽亚:是的,我认为这是在改写历史。因为你知道我们在公开场合说过什么,我们对中国说过什么,我们对所有成员国说过什么,我们在闭门会议上说过什么,我们对已知病例的信息提出了过多的要求,包括感染程度、病例定义、正在进行的检测、从人类、动物身上收集的样本,以及从任何可能的地方收集的样本。这些都是反复要求的。作为世卫组织,很多人认为我们可以空降到任何我们想要的国家,走进前门,说给我们样本。我们没有能力亲自去各个国家收集样本,然后带着这些样本走出去。你知道,人们在电影中看到的那种贴着生物危害标签的行李箱——这是不可能发生的。听着,我和你们所有人一样对为什么我们不能获得这种机会感到沮丧。我们通过各种渠道开展工作,科学渠道、技术渠道、外交渠道。再次强调,这不是游戏。我们不是在这里玩,然后说,你知道吗? It would be nice to have access to this information. We need access to this information so that we can do better the next time.

Chris -国际上让人们感到非常沮丧的一件事是,中国在这一领域已经形成了,因为即使是在20年前,当第一次SARS出现时,他们也做了类似的事情。有证据表明这是流传的。我们认为,中国在告诉世界其他国家之前,可能已经知道它在传播了六个月。然后它逃出了中国的边界,有成千上万的病例。有将近一千人因此死亡。人们批评中国说,你需要更加透明。20年后的今天,历史正在重演。现在我们回到了我们在这里开始讨论的问题,为什么会有这种沉默来更加开放?为什么不分享这些数据,除非像一些人声称的那样,有什么要隐瞒的?

玛丽亚:我的意思是这不是健康问题。我认为这与你问的其他问题有关。分享的动机是什么?更重要的是,分享的阻碍因素是什么?现在,我们的重点是中国,但我们在报道来自许多国家的信息方面确实面临挑战。在过去的几年里,特别是去年,我们爆发了其他病原体的疫情。我们面临着从各国获取信息的挑战。这是我们必须面对的问题和挑战,我们必须研究激励因素和抑制因素。我可以跟你们谈谈为什么分享这些信息很重要,为什么世界需要保持警惕,为什么我们需要更快地采取行动,为什么预防某些事情发生比试图控制它并在它开始传播时结束它要好得多。我可以和你们谈谈财政影响,花100万美元或10亿美元用于流行病防范,比我们现在花在应对和2019冠状病毒病经济影响上的数万亿美元要好得多。 I can talk to you about governance. I could talk to you about responsibility and accountability. What I can't do is force countries to adhere to this. I do think this is why something like a pandemic accord is so important. It's a promise that we will do better, that governments will do better, that everybody has a responsibility and a collective responsibility to do better. Because forget these borders that we have within our countries. These viruses, these pathogens don't respect borders. We live in a completely interconnected world where a virus that passes from an animal to a human or passes - let's say it was a breach in biosafety or biosecurity - into humans. Once it's efficiently transmitting within humans, it can go from one part of the world to the completely opposite part of the world in 24 to 48 hours. That's why everything that we've done for Covid 19 in terms of surveillance, sequencing, improved diagnostics, sharing of information, better data management systems, better analytics, has to be maintained. Because if we dismantle these systems and say, oh, we'll just scale them up for the next time, we're living in a fantasy world. This will happen again. But we have not addressed, and we have not moved forward on this issue of transparency and sharing. And frankly, I'm very concerned that we're almost in a worse situation than we were before this pandemic began. And that is because of the politicisation. That is because no one wants to find that next pandemic virus. No one wants to be blamed for this. But collectively, as a species, we all need to be working together on this.

