


Peter Kareiva,加州大学洛杉矶分校环境与可持续发展研究所


人们确实重视自然。大自然是我们的栖息地,所以我完全不认为它没有价值,我也不认为它在政治行动中没有价值。世界各地的城市都在大力投资,让自然回归。自然是一种财富。我认为谈论城市自然的方式是不平等和不平等。周围的每个人似乎都在谈论一小部分精英阶层获得如此多财富的不公平。亲近自然是一种财富。有时候我觉得在环保运动中,我们忘记了这一点。我们在世界各地很棒的地方做保护工作——在非洲、蒙古、巴塔哥尼亚。我们围坐在一起,讲述我们看到的壮观的风景和地方的故事。 We're the upper one per cent there in terms of access to nature. We have to think about equality of access to nature in cities and when we frame it that way, states and countries and cities are increasingly willing to pay to give their people access to nature in their cities.


彼得:你说得很对。我们看到的大多数城市保护的典型例子都是在像旧金山这样的地方,在像洛杉矶这样的地方,那里有相当多的财富,正是这些财富使保护成为可能。更具挑战性的问题是这些新出现的城市,它们最初是小得多的城市,非洲就是一个很好的例子。我们能让这些城市在发展的同时保留自然吗?我认为有两种方式是可行的。一个是:这些城市的土地很便宜。所以这不是巨大的开支。随着城市的扩张,要注意水的浪费,注意剩余的森林和自然栖息地的碎片。在这些城市,房价并不贵。这更多的是政治意愿和计划的问题。 It's not an expensive endeavour. It's an expensive endeavour in Los Angeles, but Los Angeles has the money. I've taught ecology for 40 years. It's cross cultural. Kids feel awe and wonder when they see nature, when they see a fox, when they see neat birds, and something beyond ourselves or beyond our species. Awe and wonder for nature is not a western concept. It's a human concept.


彼得:我认为自然资源保护主义者一直意识到他们必须与人合作。换句话说,人类的行为是自然保护的一部分。我认为,这种轻微的转变是人们认识到,把人类说成地球上的祸患并不是很鼓舞人心。有一股过去美好时光的暗流,我想我们都能感受到过去的美好时光。我也怀念一个不那么拥挤的世界。有一些地方我喜欢徒步旅行,当我去那里的时候,路上的人很多,我希望没有人。但这不是政治行动的基础。所以我认为重新定义保护的一个方法是,我们不应该仅仅关注我们失去了什么,我们应该成为自然的未来主义者。我们应该想象大自然、物种和生物多样性最好的未来。当我们这样想象的时候,我们不能限制自己的思维,说得到最好的未来的唯一方法就是回到过去的方式,因为如果我们走那条路,它会花费我们太多的钱。 It would be disruptive. We would never get there. So, if we free ourselves from having only a picture of the past when we think about the future for nature, I think we could be much more creative and have a much better future. Does it make any sense?




Peter:我搬到洛杉矶的原因之一是,它是世界上最大的城市。它几乎被视为一个反乌托邦的城市。然而,它是一个生物多样性的热点。在这里,人们对自然的认识和欣赏日益增强。如果你看过动作片,你一定看过洛杉矶河。那是一条水泥河,他们经常在那里拍《终结者》电影和追车戏。修复这条河的工程正在进行中,耗资超过10亿美元。现在洛杉矶河里所有的鱼都不是本地的。它被修改了很多。里面有鲤鱼、鲈鱼和罗非鱼。 On the other hand, there's a lot of really spectacular native birds. They have egrets, great blue heron, osprey. Now as we think about what we're going to do with that Los Angeles river, I might argue, those non-native fish may not be what we wanted, but the birds don't care, so maybe we should take delight in restoring the Los Angeles river, accepting the non-native fish, but encouraging and taking marvel in the native birds and the spectacular birds that everybody can see. So that's an example of thinking about conservation in a way that's future oriented, that really has something for people in it, and that really has something for biodiversity in it as well.

