
David Spiegelhalter讨论了为什么看似不可能的事件总是发生——尽管对他来说并不经常!


David Spiegelhalter,剑桥大学

你是否曾经想念过一位老朋友,却在同一天接到他们的电话?在广播播放前唱首歌怎么样?剑桥大学的David Speigelhalter说,当你仔细观察这些诡异的巧合时,你会惊讶地发现它们很常见,但它们可以简单地用心理学和数学来解释。他向克里斯·史密斯和现场观众解释了为什么令人毛骨悚然的巧合并不像我们想象的那么令人毛骨悚然……



大卫-我们收集它们。我们在剑桥巧合网站上有个网站我们有上千个这样的网站。其中一些最受欢迎的,你可以看出它们有多古老,它们记住了多久,因为它们是关于公共电话亭的。我想我们现在有四个了有人走在街上,一个旧的红色公共电话亭,当他们经过它的时候,它响了,“哦!我还是接吧。”他们接电话,这是给他们的。我想知道今晚是否发生了什么怪事。我的意思是,大概有70名观众。其实我已经让你把生日写下来了,这样我就有了。现在我在想,如果房间里有两个人同一天生日会不会很奇怪? Is that strange?





Chris -到目前为止,这是一个很好的命中率。


Chris -我们应该指出,每次都有两个人站起来。每一次,你都会遇到一对生日相同的人。

大卫-是啊,我不是随便选的日期。所以,有些人告诉我们的故事,经典的巧合。我不知道有没有人在遇到陌生人的时候会有这种感觉,他们突然发现自己和陌生人之间有了联系。他们上的是同一所学校。他们认识一个共同的人是很正常的事情。我只是在看上周人们寄来的,一些人遇见另一些人,发现他们住在同一所房子里。另一个是找到与你认识的人的联系,然后再一次,找到这种非常奇怪的联系。我们就遇到过一个,一个美丽的例子,一对已婚夫妇发现他们都是在同一张床上出生的。是的,他们结婚了。他们发现他们都出生在德国的同一个小村庄,那里只有一家小医院和一张小床,所有的孩子都出生在那里。 Another one, people have just sent in a married couple who discovered that they'd both been in a hospital as children at both exactly the same time. There's these wonderful strange ones where there's a picture of the husband when he's a boy sitting on the beach and there's his wife, just walking along behind on the beach.




大卫-等等,我还没说完呢。我们将会看到。其他我喜欢的是人们重新发现物品的地方。很可爱,最近有人寄来了一张,他们在五斗柜上仔细地用模板画了一幅可爱的画。然后他们把它给了一个朋友,这个朋友已经离开了几百英里,几年后,这个女人搬到了这个新城镇,她有一个住在隔壁的朋友邀请她去她的房间,那里有一个抽屉柜——完全陌生,在那。所以,当这些事情发生在人们身上时,他们会说:“哇!这真的很酷。”过去人们发明了一些理论来解释这些事情发生的原因。一个叫Kammerer的人提出了一个序列理论。这是一种力量,导致这些奇怪的事情发生得比他们应该发生的更多,荣格有这种共时性的想法。 This is definitely to do with premonitions as well that we could feel things happening before they did. We banned premonitions from our website. I don't let them go in there. I'd only accept premonitions if people told me them before the event happened. Afterwards, it's cheating. Okay, 7th of March. They're not sitting next to each other. Pretty good, but not quite there. We'll see. So yeah, those are sort of things, and then there's numbers. There's people, the pin number keeps on cropping up, same pin numbers, someone wrote in and said, "There's the same pin number from my child's primary school and the bike lock at work." But these things happen. The other thing is, we get a lot of people writing to us saying, "These things keep on happening to me. It's really actually quite disturbing. These things happen to me all the time. I keep noticing these connections between everything." I'm afraid - I do believe they do happen to some people more than others. I really do. They never happen to me. Coincidences never happen to me. I once had someone phone me up when I was on the train about a story about a bacon sandwich while I was eating a bacon sandwich. But that's the only time that's happened to me. It was so obvious, I couldn't miss it. Now the point is, now why don't they happen to me? I'm the sort of person who goes around, staring at the ground. I never notice what's going on around me and I never speak to anybody at all. I'm miserable. I could sit next to someone in the train for hundreds of miles and not utter a word. So, these things never happen to me. But if you're the sort of person who sits next to someone in the train and starts talking to them, or you're the sort of person who actually notices what's going on around you, and then notices, "I saw that person earlier in the day," then that's who they happen to. The coincidences happen. So we have people, they happen to them all the time because they notice things and they talk to people. I could sit next to my long lost twin I was separated from at birth and I would never know because I'd just get up without speaking to them. So, who knows how many things I've not noticed? So, what I'm amazed at is not how many coincidences there are but how few there are. I'm afraid I failed rather on the sitting next to each other. Got quite close, but there were 6 pairs or 7 pairs of people that shared birthdays in this room, which I think is quite a good coincidence.

Chris -关于巧合的科学和研究有什么问题要问David吗?




大卫:有人和兄弟姐妹过生日吗?谁不是双胞胎呢。我也不在乎这不算。这是作弊。因为我想我们有5个例子,3个兄弟姐妹,都是同一天出生的,但出生在不同的年份。所以,他们都是在彼此的生日那天出生的。这种情况发生的几率,我们知道是135000比1,这很罕见。这是非常不寻常的,除了它每年都在这个国家发生,因为这个国家每年有16万个第三个孩子出生。碰巧的是,会有一个,你可以期待有一个是匹配的,有一个哥哥和一个姐姐在同一天出生。 So, they come up in the news. If you Google '3 births in the same day' they'll come up all time and the Daily Mail always gets the odds wrong. It says it's 48 million to 1, which it isn't.

Chris -女士们先生们,有请David Spiegelhalter。



大卫-哇!这是个大问题。这是一个很棘手的问题,因为你说的几乎是宿命论,我们所做的一切实际上都是预先决定的我们不必选择自己,没有随机性和自由意志,这是一些人的合理论点。事实上,我们不知道会发生什么只是因为我们不知道,这是预先决定的,我们只是不知道它是什么。我对此没有太强烈的意见。我想说的是,我们不知道的事实意味着它也可能是随机的,因为我们不知道,我们也不想知道。谁想知道他们圣诞节会收到什么礼物?是的。所有的孩子都想知道他们圣诞节会得到什么礼物。来吧。 Live with uncertainty. But the grownups don't, no, look at this. Adults are quite happy about it. Let's say, if I were a great all powerful being that could tell the future and I could tell you how long you're going to live. Who would like to know? Yes, look at these kids. They want to know. Why do you want to know? I would say, the young people are the ones who want to know. Why do you want to know?

Sophie -来自布莱尼姆的Sophie。我想知道,因为如果你想活得很长,你就可以计划它。但如果你没有,那么你可以想想,嗯,我生命中最重要的事情是什么,然后先做它。



