


Chris van Tulleken,伦敦大学学院









Chris van Tulleken -嗯,它是在20世纪70年代加速发展的时候出现的。所以真正的食物的问题是它总是很贵。所以在我的书中,我谈到了超加工产品的第一个例子,可能是用人造黄油代替黄油。黄油一直都很贵。你得给牛喂草,挤牛奶,摇牛奶,做黄油,黄油会腐臭,这整件事都让人头疼。它很贵。因此,即使在19世纪晚期的法国,用便宜的东西代替黄油,植物油也成了一项大工程。一旦工业化学家发现了如何将液态植物油转化为固体脂肪并与水乳化,人造黄油——人造黄油——就诞生了。所以人造黄油可能是第一个进入市场的东西。这是简单的节省成本。 And part of the definition of UPF is that these products were about profit. And that's going to sound a bit abstract to some of your more scientific listeners, but it's actually really important when you consider food was invented by mainly female domestic scientists over the last few hundred thousand years. And they did it because they wanted to nourish their friends, their family, their community. This food is developed by very financialised companies. And I mean a very particular thing by that, these are companies that have very large owners. They're owned by asset managers. There's a very small number of companies that make UPF and they have absolute legal obligations to generate financial growth and profit. And that incentivises them very strongly to use the cheapest possible ingredients to make the most addictive possible food. And, I think addiction is an important part of this story.


Chris van Tulleken—我们已经有了通常的三层证据,你需要将潜在的有害变量与负面的健康结果联系起来。所以我们有了这种底层的实验室证据,这给了我们很多关于食物是如何伤害我们的线索。我们有研究表明超加工食品很软,而且能量密集。它能量密集,因为它是干燥的。它是干的,因为如果你把食物中的水分去掉,如果你把它干了,它有很长的保质期而且它的能量密度很高,因为它很美味。所以我们认为这种食物的消耗速度超过了我们的饱腹激素。所以当我们吃真正的食物时,我们必须咀嚼它。里面有很多水。当我们消耗卡路里时,我们开始释放荷尔蒙,告诉我们已经饱了。超加工食品通常比真正的食品消耗得快得多。 If you think of supermarket bread versus sourdough bread. Anyone who makes their bread at home or buys expensive bread, and it is really expensive sourdough, will know that it's much chewier and denser than the kind of emulsified foams that make up more than 95% of the bread we all eat. So we consume it quickly and we've got lots of lab evidence about some of the additives like the emulsifiers and their effect on the microbiome, the colorings and some of the other additives and their effect on the brain. We've then got lots of epidemiological evidence. And the big problem for the epidemiologists, the population scientists who studied ultra-processed food, is their question was, is this just salty, fatty, sugary food? Like maybe we could have a simpler definition that just focused on the nutrients. And so they did statistical controls in all of the dozens of prospective studies that have been done looking at early death rates, dementia, inflammatory disease, metabolic disease, heart attacks, strokes. They controlled for fat, salt, sugar and fiber and lots of other things. And what they saw was that the effect on early death, dementia, all those negative health outcomes remained the same once you'd adjusted for the nutrients. So the processing does seem to be important. And then finally we've got a really good clinical trial. It's small, but it was conducted by one of the world's leading nutrition scientists, a guy called Kevin Hall at the National Institute of Health, in the States. And that chimes with all of the epidemiological data. So we've got pretty good evidence over the last decade that I would say there's real consensus among independent scientists. The people I work with at the World Health Organization at UNICEF, the scientists who aren't involved with the food industry, my colleagues at UCL, colleagues at Imperial, lots of colleagues in France, so big institutions around the world, there's real consensus building that this is the primary driver of pandemic obesity, this category of food.



